Jenkins vs TravisCI vs CircleCI

CI stands for Continuous Integration. In CI(Continuous Integration), developers frequently merge their code changes into the central repository and run automated builds and test each time.

I would like to compare popular CI tools.
– Jenkins
– TravisCI
– CircleCI

1. Jenkins
As a feature of Jenkins, it is highly scalable, it can do whatever you can customize, and build on on-premise.
Although it was a popular CI tool with abudant articles, since it is necessary to prepare a server for CI, maintenance and operation of that server becomes necessary.
– To incorporate it into the workflow including actual production, introduction needs to be done systematically.
– Failure to manage will take cost consuming.

2. TravisCI
Since it is cloud, there is no need to manage and operate the server.
Increased compatibility with Github
Abundant article
It is difficult to debug because SSH does not put it in a container
Since it is cloud, ip changes every time it builds

3. CircleCI
Since it is cloud, there is no need to manage and operate the server.
Support is strong
Abundant article
Since it is put in a container with ssh, it is easy to debug
You can start using it for free
Recently the version has gone up and it corresponds to docker and workflow
Because it is Cloud, every time it builds IP changes.