
A character that comes inappropriate or difficult to read when it comes to the beginning of a line or at the end of a line. Representative examples include punctuation marks and parentheses. There are two kinds of prohibited character and the end-of-line prohibition character. The former refers to characters that you are having trouble coming up at the beginning of the line, and the latter refers to characters that you do not have trouble coming to the end of the line.

The following escape sequences are available.

\n 改行
\r キャリッジリターン
\t タブ
\\ \文字
\$ $文字
\( 左括弧
\) 右括弧
\[ 左括弧
\/ 右括弧
\' シングルクオテーション
\" ダブルクオテーション
\nnn 8進数表記
\xnn 16進数表記

Half-size check with regular expression

Half-size check with regular expression
Represent other than half-width characters in [^…] part.

$value = "こんにちは";

echo preg_match('/^[^ -~。-°\x00-\x1f\t]+$/u', $value);

[vagrant@localhost tests]$ ls
[vagrant@localhost tests]$ php -S
PHP 7.1.21 Development Server started at Fri Feb 8 20:56:23 2019
Listening on
Document root is /home/vagrant/local/app/tests
Press Ctrl-C to quit.
[Fri Feb 8 20:56:31 2019] PHP Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: range out of order in character class at offset 11 in /home/vagrant/local/app/tests/index.php on line 5

なに? 修正します。

$value = "123";

if (preg_match('/^[^ -~。-゚\x00-\x1f\t]+$/u', $value)){
	echo "yes";
} else {
	echo "半角です";

→ UTF-8 character code


MWB file, WorkBench

What is the .mwb file, which is found at entity-relation.
It seems that there are many cases to make using SQL development tool / ER diagram tool such as “MySQL Workbench” or “A5ER” when using database ER diagram.

Roll back git remote repository

Those that pushed to the remote repository can not be rewound to the past state, or other members may start working. (It is possible to use supplementary git reset)
Roll back by executing the following command and pushing the processing opposite to the pushed contents.

git revert <commit id>
git revert bd912e1

When if it is merged, execute the command.

git revert-m 1 <commit_ID>
git revert-m 1 bd912e1

Linux “sed” command

Replace the character string / output the replaced line

[vagrant@localhost tests]$ ls


2019 年 MM 月 DD 日に発表いたしました、再生細胞薬「SBXXX」の慢性期脳梗塞を対象にした
米国でのフェーズ N 臨床試験の解析結果について、患者さんからの声をたくさんお寄せ

To replace the character string, use “s” command and specify “s/beforeReplacment/afterReplacement”

[vagrant@localhost tests]$ cat baio.txt
2019 年 MM 月 DD 日に発表いたしました、再生細胞薬「SBXXX」の慢性期脳梗塞を対象にした
米国でのフェーズ N 臨床試験の解析結果について、患者さんからの声をたくさんお寄せ

[vagrant@localhost tests]$ cat baio.txt | sed s/患者/株主/
2019 年 MM 月 DD 日に発表いたしました、再生細胞薬「SBXXX」の慢性期脳梗塞を対象にした
米国でのフェーズ N 臨床試験の解析結果について、株主さんからの声をたくさんお寄せ

AWS health check

Health check function checks whether the load balancer and the target server are connected. It check every certain time whether we can see the website via load balancer.

For AWS, it is judged whether it can access the health check URL set on the console screen. It is OK if the HTTP status 200 is returned from the URL. If inadvertent 404 comes back, even if you access the URL set by the load balancer, the the site will not displayed.

It seems that it becomes OutOfService somewhat when restarting the EC2 instance in the state attached to the ELB. Also, as it is said that 200 should be returned by health check, if you do not do BASIC certification naturally, it will be OutOfService. 401 error comes back. If you are using ELB and need to make Basic authentication, only URLs for health checks must be in a state where authentication is ineffective.

SLA (Service Level Agreement)

SLA stands for Service Level Agreement, which means agreement service level, service quality assurance, etc. on the level of service(definitions, ranges, contents, achievement targets, etc.) tied between providers and their users it will be. This is an indication of how much quality can be guaranteed to the contractor by the service provider.

SLAs are often used mainly for communication service, cloud services, rental servers, etc. We define guarantee items such as definition of service, communication speed, upper limit of usage stop time, etc. When the quality of service falls below the guaranteed value of SLA, reduction of usage fee etc will be done.

In many cases, this reduction is often limited to the usage fee, and it does not include lost profits etc. that the service could not be used properly. In principle, the specified item can be quantitatively measured, and the upper limit, the lower limit, the average, etc. are expressed numerically, and the measurement method etc. are also defined at the same time.

As a user, it is an index to measure the availability and stability of the service, so it is a good idea to check it when selecting a service. Although the SLA values presented by each company vary, it can be seen that there are large differences when looking at “stop time”.

Windows10 VPN connection

With VPN connection, you can connect securely via the company’s network or the Internet(when working in a public place like a coffee shop).

Before connecting to VPN, it is necessary to prepare a VPN profile on the PC. You can create a VPN profile yourself or set up a workplace account to get a VPN profile from your company.

On the add VPN connection screen, do the following:
Under VPN Provider, select Windows(built-in). In the Connection name box, enter the friendly name of the VPN connection profile(for example, your VPN). This is the name of the VPN connection search for when connecting. In the server name and address box, type the VPN server address.
Under [VPN type], select the type of VPN connection to be created. You need to know the type of VPN connection used by user computer or VPN service. In the type of sign-in information, select the type of sign-in information (credential information) to use. It will be a user name and password, a one-time password, a certificate, or a smart card if you connect to VPN at work. Enter a user name and password in each box(optional).