
A character that comes inappropriate or difficult to read when it comes to the beginning of a line or at the end of a line. Representative examples include punctuation marks and parentheses. There are two kinds of prohibited character and the end-of-line prohibition character. The former refers to characters that you are having trouble coming up at the beginning of the line, and the latter refers to characters that you do not have trouble coming to the end of the line.

The following escape sequences are available.

\n 改行
\r キャリッジリターン
\t タブ
\\ \文字
\$ $文字
\( 左括弧
\) 右括弧
\[ 左括弧
\/ 右括弧
\' シングルクオテーション
\" ダブルクオテーション
\nnn 8進数表記
\xnn 16進数表記