Swift types

import UIKit
import Foundation

class LightSwitch {
	var on: Bool = true

var livingRoomSwitch = LightSwitch()
var dollarSign: Character = "$"
var myFirstSwiftString String = "no' money"

Optional and Tuples

let kitchenSwitch = LightSwitch()
let ticketPrice = 13.75
let swiftIsFast = true
let encouragement = “You can do it!”

let ticketPrice = 7.5
let allowance = 10.0
var iceCreamPrice = 3.0

var pic UIImage(named:"Choe.png")!

if allowance >= ticketPrice + iceCreamPrice {
	println("Let's go to the movies!")
} else {
	println("Let's watch a movie at home and eat ice cream")
var hungry = true
var vegetarian = false

if hungry {
	println("Let's eat!")
} else {
	println("Let's wait.")