Entity Relation arrow icon

What’s the meaning of entity relation arrow icon?

Looking at draw.io Entity Relation

Arrow shows the numerical value of the relationship.
0 to many optional
1 to many
1 mandatory
1 to 1
0 to 1
many to many
1 optional to many optional
1 mandatory to many mandatory
many mandatory to many mandatory
many optional to many option

Extreamly rich in variety isn’t it??

Difference between GET and POST method

GET, POST are some of the HTTP methods negotiated by the specification.
Besides this there are also PUT, PATCH, HEAD, DELETE etc ..

GET method
GET adds it to the URL and makes a request

POST method
POST method is included in body of request.

GET adds directly to the URL so you can see the parameters with your eyes.
Since POST is included in body, it can not be seen with eyes.

There are different specifications when requesting with GET and POST, such as being able to send in binary, size restriction, etc.

Unite Test and Integration Test

Let’s start with the meaning of the unit test and the integration test.

UT(Unit Test)
Unit Test refer to tests done in small units such as functions and methods. For this reason, the main purpose is to check the actions to be performed on individual screen and functions.

In detail
– Is there something wrong with the display on the screen
– How about the behavior when link or button is pressed ?
– Is it possible to link(register, edit, delete) with the database
– Is the displayed message correct?
– Do not do unexpected actions

Integration Test
Integration Test(IT) refers to the test that combines programs that have completed unit test. So, it can omit the contents to be completed within one screen confirmed by unit test.

In detail
– Whether necessary information can be acquired from other functions
– Whether the changed data is reflected in other functions

Operation Check Test Case
Normal / abnormal, conditions, procedure, acquisition result, result
Input value table
input value, measurement result, remarks

Adding screen capture, DB command line capture
DEV environ ment

Integration Test Scenario
making test scenario that how user move.

Development process detail

How to put together development process. Here is a sample of document to create.

– Request definition
– Business flow
– Screen transition diagram
– Screen design
– Screen definition
– ER diagram
– DB table definition

If there is batch processing, also add batch processing. Let’s see the details.

This is so called Excel Engineer.

Pass data of URL argument in PHP

Extract arguments by specify URL. In the $_GET array, the value specified by the URL is substituted. In the first argument, argument names in the URL are enclosed in single quotation marks.

	$date = $_GET['preview_date'];
	echo $date . "<br>";
	$time = $_GET['preview_time'];
	echo $time;

AWS Code deploy

Code Deploy Merit
– Automatic deployment
– Minimize Downtime
– Unified management
– Easy to introduce

umm, somehow I do not understand well.

What is code deploy
It is a service that allows you to simultaneously deploy programs to multiple instances tagged by CodeDeploy for programs created by users.

– For multiple deployment objects, deployment speed can be adjusted one at a time, all at once, only half, etc.
– The deployment destination EC2 is automatically determined by an arbitrary tag
– Simply run aws-cli with the local deployment directory specified, zip it and push it to S3
– Just after post-deployment(permission change, Apache’s graceful etc) write in yml and put it in the directory to be deployed.

PHP Paging algorithm

Make variable number of items displayed on one page.
Prepare a number of array.

$coin = ["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Ripple", "Litecoin", "Ethereum Classic", "DASH", "Bitshares", "Monero", "NEM", "Zcash", "Bitcoin Cash", "Bitcoin Gold", "Monacoin", "Lisk", "Factom"];

$array_num = count($coin);
$page = 2;
$number = 4;

$i = 0;
foreach($coin as $value){
	if(($number * ($page - 1) - 1 < $i) && ($i < $number * $page)){
		echo $value . "<br>";

-> Ethereum Classic

It’s ok to change the variables, page and page_number with button.
It was easier than I thought♪

php date_format function and for use

The date_format function formats date and time values in a specified format.

$date = date_create('2019-01-17');

echo date_format($date, 'y/m/d') . "<br>";
echo date_format($date, 'y/m/d h:i:s') . "<br>";
echo date_format($date, 'g:i A') . "<br>";
echo date_format($date, 'G:i a') . "<br>";

-> 19/01/17
19/01/17 12:00:00
12:00 AM
0:00 am

php function reference
It was said “date — Format a local time/date”

In laravel, if you want to set yyyy/mm/dd and hh:mm to validation, the specification of the format is the following code.

$validator = Validator::make($request->all(),[
     'date' => 'date_format:Y/m/d',
     'time' => 'date_format:H:i',