mysql log variation

-Error log
-General Query log
-Binary log
-Slow query log

Error log
The error log, which is also called system logging, log the startup, execution, stop logging of mysqld(server) error information of the problem that occurred, and so on.

cat /etc/my.cnf
cat /var/log/mysqld.log

General Query log
The general query log is also called query (SQL) logging, and mysqld (server) logs the connection with the client and the query (SQL) executed.

Binary log
Binary logs are also called binary (backup) logging and log statements of mysqld(server) data change as binary information. It is also used for replication.



slow query log
Slow query logs are also referred to as slow query (debug) logging, logging of queries (SQL) that took longer than the number of seconds specified by long_query_time on mysqld (server) or queries that did not use index (SQL).