Laravel5.7 upload file with extension

uploaded a file with a controller, but looked no file extension.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Image;

class ImageIndexController extends Controller
    public function index(){
    	return view('imageindex');

    public function store(Request $request){

    	return view('imageindex');

How come to fix it?

specify the extension with guessExtension method.

public function store(Request $request){

        $filename = $request->file('image') . "." . $request->file('image')->guessExtension();
    	$request->file('image')->move(public_path('item'), $filename);
    	return view('imageindex');


I got it.

I want to display the uploaded image in view.
Before that, you want to make the file name arbitrary, such as date. It seems to be so easy.

$filename = date("YmdHis") . "." . $request->file('image')->guessExtension();

oh, OK.