Laravel Queues

queueはデータ構造 データを先入れ先出しのリスト構造で保持するもの
Laravel now offers Horizon, a beautiful dashboard and configuration system for your Redis powered queues. Check out the full Horizon documentation for more information.

Laravel queues provide a unified API across a variety of different queue backends, such as Beanstalk, Amazon SQS, Redis, or even a relational database. Queues allow you to defer the processing of a time consuming task, such as sending an email, until a later time. Deferring these time consuming tasks drastically speeds up web requests to your application.

Connections Vs. Queues
Before getting started with Laravel queues, it is important to understand the distinction between “connections” and “queues”. In your config/queue.php configuration file, there is a connections configuration option. This option defines a particular connection to a backend service such as Amazon SQS, Beanstalk, or Redis. However, any given queue connection may have multiple “queues” which may be thought of as different stacks or piles of queued jobs.

Note that each connection configuration example in the queue configuration file contains a queue attribute. This is the default queue that jobs will be dispatched to when they are sent to a given connection. In other words, if you dispatch a job without explicitly defining which queue it should be dispatched to, the job will be placed on the queue that is defined in the queue attribute of the connection configuration:

Some applications may not need to ever push jobs onto multiple queues, instead preferring to have one simple queue. However, pushing jobs to multiple queues can be especially useful for applications that wish to prioritize or segment how jobs are processed, since the Laravel queue worker allows you to specify which queues it should process by priority. For example, if you push jobs to a high queue, you may run a worker that gives them higher processing priority:

In order to use the redis queue driver, you should configure a Redis database connection in your config/database.php configuration file.

Redis Cluster

If your Redis queue connection uses a Redis Cluster, your queue names must contain a key hash tag. This is required in order to ensure all of the Redis keys for a given queue are placed into the same hash slot:

'redis' => [
    'driver' => 'redis',
    'connection' => 'default',
    'queue' => '{default}',
    'retry_after' => 90,