Laravel Personal Access Tokens

Sometimes, your users may want to issue access tokens to themselves without going through the typical authorization code redirect flow. Allowing users to issue tokens to themselves via your application’s UI can be useful for allowing users to experiment with your API or may serve as a simpler approach to issuing access tokens in general

Creating A Personal Access Client
Before your application can issue personal access tokens, you will need to create a personal access client. You may do this using the passport:client command with the –personal option. If you have already run the passport:install command, you do not need to run this command:

Managing Personal Access Tokens
Once you have created a personal access client, you may issue tokens for a given user using the createToken method on the User model instance. The createToken method accepts the name of the token as its first argument and an optional array of scopes as its second argument:

$user = App\User::find(1);

// Creating a token without scopes...
$token = $user->createToken('Token Name')->accessToken;

// Creating a token with scopes...
$token = $user->createToken('My Token', ['place-orders'])->accessToken;

Passport also includes a JSON API for managing personal access tokens. You may pair this with your own frontend to offer your users a dashboard for managing personal access tokens. Below, we’ll review all of the API endpoints for managing personal access tokens. For convenience, we’ll use Axios to demonstrate making HTTP requests to the endpoints.

The JSON API is guarded by the web and auth middlewares; therefore, it may only be called from your own application. It is not able to be called from an external source.

Tip!! If you don’t want to implement the personal access token frontend yourself, you can use the frontend quickstart to have a fully functional frontend in a matter of minutes.

GET /oauth/scopes
This route returns all of the scopes defined for your application. You may use this route to list the scopes a user may assign to a personal access token:

    .then(response => {

GET /oauth/personal-access-tokens
This route returns all of the personal access tokens that the authenticated user has created. This is primarily useful for listing all of the user’s tokens so that they may edit or delete them:

const data = {
name: ‘Token Name’,
scopes: []
};‘/oauth/personal-access-tokens’, data)
.then(response => {
.catch (response => {
// List errors on response…
DELETE /oauth/personal-access-tokens/{token-id}
This route may be used to delete personal access tokens:

axios.delete(‘/oauth/personal-access-tokens/’ + tokenId);

Via Middleware
Passport includes an authentication guard that will validate access tokens on incoming requests. Once you have configured the api guard to use the passport driver, you only need to specify the auth:api middleware on any routes that require a valid access token:

Route::get('/user', function () {

Passing The Access Token
When calling routes that are protected by Passport, your application’s API consumers should specify their access token as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of their request. For example, when using the Guzzle HTTP library:

$response = $client->request('GET', '/api/user', [
    'headers' => [
        'Accept' => 'application/json',
        'Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$accessToken,