k-means clustering

k-means clustering
-pick k centers(at random)
-each center “claims” its closest points
-recompute the centers by overaging the clustered points
-repeat until convergence

P+(x): Partition / cluster of object x
c+ : set of all points in cluster i = {x s.t. P(x)=i}
center+i = ΣyeCi y / |Ci|

P+(x) = argmin||x-center+-1||2

K-means as optimization
configurations -center, P
scores – E(P,center) = Σx||centerp(x)-x||22
neighborhood-p,center= {(p’, center)}U {(P, center’)}

Properties of k-means clustering
-each iteration polynomial o(k n)
-finite(exponential) iterations o(kn)
-error decreases(if ties broken consistently)[with one exception]
-can get stuck!