High Dynamic Range

1. Dynamic Range
2. Digital cameras do not encode Dyamic Range very well
3. Image Acquisition Pipeline for capturing scene radiance to pixel values
4. Linear and non-linear aspects inherent in the Image Acquisition pipeline
5. Camera Calibration
6. Pixel Values from different Exposure Images are used to render a Radiance map of scene
7. Tone mapping

Dynamic range in Real World
Inside, no lights long exposure
Inside, Incandescent light

Luminance: A photometric measure of the luminous intensity per unit area of light traveling in a given direction. measured in candela per square meter(cd/m^2)

Human static Constrast Ratio 1001 (10^2) -> about 65 f-stops
Human Dynamic constraste Ratio 10000000:1 (10^6:1) -> about 20 f-stops

3D scene -> scene radiance -> lens optics -> sensor irradiance -> shutter -> sensor exposure