1. Dynamic Range
2. Digital cameras do not encode Dyamic Range very well
3. Image Acquisition Pipeline for capturing scene radiance to pixel values
4. Linear and non-linear aspects inherent in the Image Acquisition pipeline
5. Camera Calibration
6. Pixel Values from different Exposure Images are used to render a Radiance map of scene
7. Tone mapping
Dynamic range in Real World
Inside, no lights long exposure
Inside, Incandescent light
Luminance: A photometric measure of the luminous intensity per unit area of light traveling in a given direction. measured in candela per square meter(cd/m^2)
Human static Constrast Ratio 1001 (10^2) -> about 65 f-stops
Human Dynamic constraste Ratio 10000000:1 (10^6:1) -> about 20 f-stops
3D scene -> scene radiance -> lens optics -> sensor irradiance -> shutter -> sensor exposure