Greyscale Conversion

A common way to represent color images is known as RGBA – the color is specified by how much Red, Green, and Blue is in it. The ‘A’ stands for Alpha and is used for transparency;

Each channel Red, Blue, Green, and Alpha is represented by one byte.
Since we are using one byte for each color there are 256 different possible values for each color. This means we use 4 bytes per pixel.

Greyscale images are represented by a single intensity value per pixel
which is one byte in size.

To convert an image from color to grayscale one simple method is to set the intensity to the average of the RGB channels. But we will use a more sophisticated method that takes into account how the eye perceives color and weights the channels unequally.

The eye responds most strongly to green followed by red and then blue.
The NTSC (National Television System Committee) recommends the following
formula for color to greyscale conversion:

I = .299f * R + .587f * G + .114f * B

#include "reference_calc.cpp"
#include "utils.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void rgba_to_greyscale(const uchar4* const rgbaImage,
					unsigned char* const greyImage,
					int numRows, int numCols)


void your_rgba_to_greyscale(const uchar4 * const h_rgbaImage, uchar4 * const d_rgbaImage,
	unsigned char* const d_greyImage, size_t numRows, size_t numCols)

	const dim3 blockSize(1, 1, 1):
	const dim3 gridSize( 1, 1, 1);
	rgba_to_greyscale<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(d_rgbaImage, d_greyImage, numRows, numCols);

	cudaDeviceSynchronize(); checkCudaErrors(cudaGetLastError());	

void referenceCalculation(const uchar4* const rgbaImage,
unsigned char *const greyImage,
size_t numRows,
size_t numCols)
for (size_t r = 0; r < umRows; ++r){ for (size_t c = 0; c < numCols; ++c){ uchar4 rgba = rgbaImage[r * numCols + c]; float channelSum = .299f * rgba.x + .587f * rgba.y + .144f * rgba.z; greyImage[r * numCols + c] = channelSum; } } } [/c] [c] #include
#include “timer.h”
#include “utils.h”

size_t numRows();
size_t numCols();

void preProcess(uchar4 **h_rgbaImage, unsigned char **h_greyImage,
uchar4 **d_rgbaImage, unsigned char **d_greyImage,
const std::string& filename);

void postProcess(const std::string& output_file);

void your_rgba_to_greyscale(const uchar4 * const h_rgbaImage, uchar4 * const d_rgbaImage,
unsigned char* const_greyImage, size_t numRows, size_t numCols);

#include “HW1.cpp”

int main(int argc, char **argv){
uchar4 *h_rgbaImage, *d_rgbaImage;
unsigned char *h_greyImage, *d_greyImage;

std::string input_file;
std::string output_file;
if (argc == 3){
input_file = std::string(argv[1]);
output_file = std::string(argv[2]);
else {
std::cerr << "Usage: ./hw input_file output_file" << std::endl; exit(1); } preProcess(&h_rgbaImage, &h_greyImage, &d_rgbaImage, &d_greyImage, input_file); GpuTimer timer; timer.Start(); your_rgba_to_greyscale(h_rgbaImage, d_rgbaImage, d_greyImage, numRows(), numCols()); timer.Stop(); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); checkCudaErrors(cudaGetLastError()); printf("\n"); int err = printf("%f msecs.\n", timer.Elapsed()); if (err < 0){ std::cerr << "Couldn't print timing information! STDOUT Closed!" << std::endl; exit(1); } postProcess(output_file); return 0; } [/c]