Feature scaling

Feature scaling
– try to determine Chris’s t-shirt size: 140 lbs, 6.1ft
– training set: Cameron, Sarah: 175 lbs, 5.9ft, 115 lbs, 5.2ft
measure height + weight
-> who is Chirs closer to in height + weight
Cameron(large shirt), Sarah(small shirt)
Feature Scaling

X’ = (X – Xmin)/(Xmax – Xmin)
[115, 140, 175]
25 / 60 = 0.417
0<= X' <= 1 [python] from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler import numpy weights = numpy.array([[115],[140],[175]]) scaler = MinMaxScaler() rescaled_weight = scaler.fit_transform(weights) weights = numpy.array([[115.],[140.],[175.]]) rescaled_weight = scaler.fit_transform(weights) rescaled_weight [/python] Which algorithm would be affected by feature rescaling? - SVM with RBF - K-MEAN clustering