Extend FP / DP

Compared to FP/DP, CP has better specification and support for
Dynamic range
Vary focus point-by-point
Field of view vs. resolution
Exposure time and frame rate

Images in News
Kennedy Assassination
Rodney King Beatings in LA
9/11 images
7/7 London bombing
Virginia Tech
Michael Richards
Russian meteor
Beast with a Billion eyes(literally)

Participatory Data
Handheld, citizen, etc.
Institutional Imagery
Satellite, Airborne, Recon, UAV
security cameras, ATMs, etc

Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
images(2D) -> geometry(3D), Photometry(Appearance)

Utimate Camera
object, light rays, lens, film(retina)

Emerging Field of computational photography
what will a camera look like in 10 years? 20 years?
what novel images can we get? what are their uses?