
In Python, the map concept appears as a built-in data type called a dictionary. A dictionary contains key-value pairs. Dictionaries is extremely easy to use and useful. Here’s a sample of setting up a dictionary.

locations = {'North America': {'USA': ['Mountain View']}}
locations['North America']['USA'].append('Atranta')
locations['Asia'] = {'India': ['Bangalore']}
locations['Asia']['China'].append = ['Shanghai']
locations['Africa'] = {'Egypt': ['Cairo']}

usa_sorted = sorted(locations['North America']['USA'])
for city in usa_sorted
    print city

asia_cities = []
for countries, cities in location['Asia'].iteritems():
    city_country = cities[0] + " - " + countries
asia_sorted = sorted(asia_cities)
for city in asia_sorted:
    print city

When hash table collision, bucket store data.

Hash Value = (ASCII Value of First Letter * 100) + ASCII Value of Second Letter

hash table

class HashTable(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.table = [None]*10000

    def store(self, string):
        hv = self.calculate_hash_value(string)
        if hv != -1:
            if self.table[hv] != None:
                self.table[hv] = [string]

    def lookup(self, string):
        hv = slef.calculate_hash_value(string)
        if hv != -1:
            if self.table[hv] != None:
                if string in self.table[hv]:
                    return hv
        return -1

    def calculate_hash_value(self, string):
        value = ord(string[0])* 100 + ord(string[1])
        return -1

Tree DFS, In-order