Content Provider

UI Code is directory interacting with database

CatalogActivity ->
EditorActivity -> Content Provider -> PetDbHelper (Pet with ID 1 has weight 7)

Manage access to a structured set of data
-good abstraction layer between data source & UI code (can add data validation, can modify how data is stored UI code is unaffeted)
-work well with other Android framework classes

UI code
Catalog Activity, Content Resolver, Pet Provider, PetDbHelper SQLiteDatabase

Contacts provider
Calendar provider
User Dictionary provider

Scheme, Content Authority, Type of data

content authority

	android:exported="false" />
int match = sUriMatcher.match(uri);
if (match == CONTACTS){
	// Act on the contacts table
} else if (match == CONTACTS_ID){
	// Act on a single contact in contacts table
public class PetProvider extends ContentProvider {

	private static final int PETS = 100;
	private static final int PET_ID = 101;

	private static final UriMatcher sUriMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH);
	static {
		sUriMatcher.addURI(PetContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, PetContract.PATH_PETS,PETS);
		sUriMatcher.addURI(PetContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY,PetContract.PATH_PETS + ""/, PETS_ID);