
Closures include:
global functions, nested functions, and closure expressions

Nested functions

closure expression- an unnamed, self contained block of code
closure expression are used to specify an action to be executed some time in the future.

var bids = [48, 75, 63, 52, 68]
var orderedBids = bids.sort( {(bid1: Int, bid2: Int) -> Bool in
	return bid2 > bid1


Closures typically take the form:
{(parameters) -> return type in
statements to execute

var birthYears = [2004, 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002]
var reverseChronologicalYears = birthYears.sort({ (year1: Int, year2: Int) -> Bool interface EarthquakeActivity extends Parent {
	return year1 > year2