By default, an Android app does not have access to the Internet
Android Client -> USGS Web Server
Request permission to access certain functions of device
-use internet, use camer, send sms message, call phone number
-record microphone audio, get current location, network connectivity status …and more!
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS"/>
<application ...>
levels of permissions in android
-normal permissions
access the internet, vibrate the device, set the timezone, network connectivity status
automatically granted by the system
-dangerous permissions
use camera, access call log, access contacts, record audio
requested at runtime when app needs the permission pop up a dialog to ask for permission
prompt to accept all permissions at install time
prompt at runtime when user accesses feature that requires permission(no prompt at install time)
Hypertext transfer protocol
android client -> USGS web server