weibo 微博 api 登録までの流れ

「weibo english」で検索すると、英語のregistrationページがあるので、スマホの番号を入れ、送られてきたパスコードを入力して完了です。

次に、ログインした状態で、 に行き、右上のプルダウンから、「编辑开发者信息」を選択します。「开发者」kaifa zhe が開発者という意味ですね。

邮编 youbian: 郵便番号
邮箱 youxiang: e-mail
联系电话 lianxi dianhua: 連絡先電話番号 81+ :
聊天工具: チャットツール

「聊天工具格式错误,请修改」qing xiugai 修正と出ている。とのことで、QQに登録。


发送验证邮件 Fasong yanzheng youjian:確認メールが飛ぶ




$dsn = "mysql:dbname=stock;host=localhost";
$user = "root";
$password = "";
try {
	$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password, $options);
} catch (PDOException $e){
	print('connection failed:'.$e->getMessage());

$sql = "select stoph SET 'price' = ? WHERE id = ?";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);

$stmt->execute(array(430, 2929));

Technical Documentation

documentation for you, coworkers, or your users!

app, bin, config, db, lib, log, public, test, vendor/assets, gitignore, README, Gemfile, Gemfile.lock

What happens if I don’t choose a license?
It’s super important to choose License.

Choose an open source license
which of the following best describes your situation?

-add to README
known bugs
frequently asked questions
table of contents

Readable READMEs with Markdown
-> easily readable

Markdown is a light markup language often used for READMEs. It is fairly straightforward, and much of the syntax is intuitive.

#Here is your task

Markdown files should be saved with a .md extension.

<h1>My Fabulous Recipe</h1>
<p>This recipe for <strong>cereal and milk</strong> has been passed down my family for months.</p>
	<li>Cereal (you can find cool cereals <a href="">here</a>)</li>

<p>If I were writing these out as <em>code</em>, it might look something like this:</p>

<pre><code>if bowl is empty:
	add cereal
	if bowl only has cereal in it:
	add milk

Role-Based Access Control(RBAC)

User -> Role -> Rights
– In enterprise setting, access may be based on job function or role of a user
payroll manager, project member etc.
access rights are associated with role
User authenticate themselves to the system
User then can activate one or more role for themselves

RBAC Benefits
Policy need not be updated when certain person with a role leaves the organization
New employee should be able to activate the desired role
Revisiting least privilege
user in one role has access to a subset of the files
switch roles to gain access to other resources


Blood Vessel, skin cell, Red Blood Cell

Trait: any distinguishing feature of an individual
1.Physical vs Behavioral
2.Visible vs Hidden
3.Innate vs Learned

situs inversus: a condition where the organs are arranged in a mirror image of the normal positioning.

Deoxynucleotides: the building blocks of DNA
Adenine, Thymin, Guanine, Cytosine


Probability for continuous spaces

f(x)= 1/360, f(0) < x <= 360 Date * Time you were born P(x)= 0 f(x)= 0.0166 f(x<=noon) = 2*f(x>noon)
a=0.0555 1/18
b=0.0277 1/3*1/12