A process

State of execution
-program counter, stack
Parts & temporary holding area
May require special hardware
-I/O devices

What is a process?
OS manages hardware on behalf of applications
application == program of disk, flash memory(static entity)

process == state of a program when executing loaded in memory(active entity)

What does a process look like?
stack, heap, data, text

address space == “in memory”
representation of a process
physical addresses: locations in physical memory

How does the OS know what a process is doing?
-program counter
-cpu registers
-stack pointer

Process Control Block(PCB)
memory limits
list of open files
signal mask
CPU scheduling info

-PCB created when process is created
-Certain fields are updated when process state changes
-Other fields change too frequently

CPU process
running, ready state

mechanisms for process creation
-fork == copies the parent PCB into new child PCB
child continues execution at instruction after fork
-exec == replace child image, load new program and start from first instr.

unix-based os, the parent of all process: init
the parent of all app processes: zygote

OS must