the Fetch Request


fetch('${searchedForText}', {
	method: 'POST'

fetch(‘${searchedForText}’, {
headers: {
Authorization: ‘Client-ID abc123’

Since the Unsplash API we’re using will return JSON to us, we just need to call .json() on the response variable.

fetch('${searchedForText}', {
	headers: {
		Authorization: 'Client-ID abc123'
	return response.json();
function addImage(data){
	let htmlContent = '';
	const firstImage = data.result[0];

	if (firstImage){
		htmlContent = '<figure>
			<img src="${firstImage.urls.small}" alt="${searchedForText}">
			<figcaption>${searchedForText} by ${}</figcaption>
	} else {
		htmlContent = 'Unfortunately, no image was returned for your search.'

	responseContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', htmlContent);