task groovy << {} def noArgs(){ println "Called the no args function" } def oneArg(x) { println "Called the 1 arg function with $x" x } def twoArgs(x, y){ println "Called the 2 arg function with $x and $y" x + y } oneArg 500
[vagrant@localhost ud867]$ gradle groovy Called the 1 arg function with 500 :groovy BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7.983 secs
Hey, what?
task groovy << {} def noArgs(){ println "Called the no args function" } def oneArg(x) { println "Called the 1 arg function with $x" x } def twoArgs(x, y){ println "Called the 2 arg function with $x and $y" x + y } twoArgs 200, 300
[vagrant@localhost ud867]$ gradle groovy Called the 2 arg function with 200 and 300 :groovy BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 6.671 secs
task groovy << {} def noArgs(){ println "Called the no args function" } def oneArg(x) { println "Called the 1 arg function with $x" x } def twoArgs(x, y){ println "Called the 2 arg function with $x and $y" x + y } twoArgs oneArg(500), 100
[vagrant@localhost ud867]$ gradle groovy Called the 1 arg function with 500 Called the 2 arg function with 500 and 100 :groovy BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 6.277 secs