
var cutlery: Set = ["fork", "knife", "spoon", "spoon"]
var flowers:Set<Character> = ["","",""]

var utensils = Set<String>()
var trees = Set<Character>()

Control Flow
-for loop statement
-switch statement
-if else statement

For-in loops take the form:

for item in Collection {
statements to execute on each item

import UIKit
import Foundation

for var index = 99; index > 0; --index {
	print("\(index) bottles of beer on the wall. \(index) bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around ...")
var demoString = "Swift enumeration is so fast!"
for character in demoString.characters {
let intArray = [7, 21, 25, 13, 1]
var sum = 0
for value in intArray {
	sum += value
var movieDict = ["star wars":"Geroge Lucas", "Point Break": "Kathryn Biegelow", "When Harry Met Sally": "Rob Reiner", "The Dark Knight": "Christopher Nolan"]

for (movie, director) in movieDict {
	print("\(director) directed \(movie)")

var animalGroupsDict = ["whales":"pod", "geese":"flock", "lions":"pride"]
for (animals, animalGroup) in animalGroupsDict {
	print("Many \(animals) form a \(animalGroup).")