
Origin of Edges
-surface normal discontinuity
-depth discontinuity
-surface color discontinuity
-illumination discontinuity

Edges seem to occur “change boundaries” that are related to shape or illumination.
A stripe on a sign is not such a boundary.

Edge Detection
Basic idea: look for a neighborhood with strong signs of change.

– neighborhood size
– how to detect change

intensity function (along horizontal scanline)

first derivative
-edges correspond to extrema of derivative

Template matching


Detected template
Correlation map

pkg load image;

function [yIndex xIndex] = find_template_2D(template, img)


tablet = imread('tablet.png');
glyph = tablet(75:165, 150:185);

[y x] = find_template_2D(glyph, tablet);
disp([y x]);

1D (nx)correlation

Normalized cross-correlation

Matlab cross-correlation doc
onion = rgb2gray(imread(‘onion.png’));
peppers = rgb2gray(imread(‘peppers.png’));
imshowpair(peppers, onion,’montage’)

Matlab cross-correlation doc
c = normxcorr2(onion,peppers);
figure, surf(c), shading flat;

pkg load image;
function index = find_template_1D(t, s)


s = [-1 0 0 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 0 1 0 0 -1];
t = [1 1 0];

disp('Signal:'), disp([1:size(s, 2); s]);
disp('Template:'), disp([1:size(t, 2); t]);

index = find_template_1D(t, s);
disp('Index:'), disp(index);

Median filter

10 15 20
23 90 27
33 31 30
sor-> 10 15 20 23 27 30 31 33 90
10 15 20
23 27 27
33 31 30
Median filter is smooth nicer

pkg load image;

img = imread('moon.png');

%% Add salt & pepper noise
noisy_img = imnoise(img, 'salt & pepper', 0.02);

median_filtered = medfilt2(noisy_img);

Linear Operation

division is a linear operation?
true becase (x + y)/z = x/z + y/z

Boundary Issues
full, same, valid

Boundary issues
clip filter(black):imfilter(f,g,0)
wrap around(f,g,’circular’)
copy edge(f,g,’replicate’)
reflect across edge(f,g,’symmetric’)

pkg load image;

img = imread('fall-leaves.png');

filter_size = 21;
filter_sigma = 3;
filter = fspecial('gaussian', filter_size, filter_sigma);

smoothed = imfilter(img, filter, 0);

The reflection method of handling boundary conditions in filtering is good because
the created imagery has the same statistic as the original image

Linearity and convolution

An operator H is linear if two properties hold(f1 and f2 are some functions, a is a constant):

Additivity(things sum):
-H(f1 + f2) = H(f1) + H(f2)(looks like distributive law)

Multiplicative scaling(Homogeneity of degree 1)
(constant scales):
-H(a*f1) = a*H(f1)

Because it is sums ans multiplies, the “filtering” operation we were doing are linear:

An impulse function…
it’s just a value of 1 at a single location

An impulse response
-if I have unknown system and I put in an impulse, the response is called the impulse response
-so if the black box is linear you can describe H by h(x)

Assuming center coordinate is “reference point”.

kernel is size MxM, and our image was NxN.
filter whole image is M*M*N*N

Correlation vs Convolution(flip in both dimensions, bottom to top, right to left)

Shift invariant:
linear & shift invariant

(f*g)*h = f*(g*h)
unit impulse e = […,0,0,1,0,0,…] f*e = f
Differentiation: α/αx(f*g) = αf/αx*g

Gaussian filter

Nearest neighboring pixels have the most influence
F(x, y)
H(u, v)
1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1
this kernel is an approximation of a Gaussian function
h(u, v) = 1/2πσ^2 e ^(- u^2+v^2/σ^2)

Gaussian filters
Variance(σ^2), standard deviation(σ): determines extent of smoothing

hsize = 31;
sigma = 5;
h = fspecial('gaussian', hsize, sigma);


outim = imfilter(im, h);
for sigma = 1:3:10
	h = fspecial('gaussian', fsize, sigma);
	out = imfilter(im, h);
img = imread('saturn.png');

noise = randn(size(img)) .* 25;
noisy_img = img + noise;

filter_size = 11;
filter_sigma = 2;
pkg load image;
filter = fspecial('gaussian', filter_size, filter_sigma);

smoothed = imfilter(noisy_img, filter);

When filtering with a Gaussian, the sigma is most important- it defines the blur kernel’s scale with respect to the image.
Altering the normalization coefficient does not effect the blur, only the brightness.

Moving Average in 2D

F(x, y)
G(x, y)

Correlation filtering – uniform weights
2k + 1 * 2k + 1;
G[i, j] = 1/(2k + 1)^2 ΣΣF[i + u, j + v]
Loop over all pixels in neighborhood around image pixel F[i,j]

nonuniform weights
Now generalize to allow different wieghts depending on neighboring pixel’s relative position:
G[i, j] = ΣΣH[u, v]F[i+u, j+v]
This is called cross-correlation, denoted G = HF

averaging filter -> box filter
Blurry spot as a function

To blur a single pixel into a “blurry” spot, we would need to filter the spot with something that looks like a blurry spot – higher value in the middle, falling off to the edges.

Noise, weighted moving average

Noise is just a function added to an images, we could remove the noise by subtracting the noise again
-> true but we don’t know the noise function so we can’t actually do the subtraction.

-can add weights to our moving average
-weight [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] / 5
Non-uniform weights
Σ [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]/16

To do the moving average computation the number of weight should be
-odd: makes it easier to have a middle pixel