
The entire transaction’s outputs, inputs, and script (from the most recently-executed OP_CODESEPARATOR to the end) are hashed. The signature used by OP_CHECKSIG must be a valid signature for this hash and public key. If it is, 1 is returned, 0 otherwise.

from ecc import (

def op_checksig(stack, z):
    if len(stack) < 1:
        return False
    sec_pubkey = stack.pop()
    der_signature = stack.pop()[:-1]
        point = S256Point.parse(sec_pubkey)
        sig = Signature.parse(der_signature)
    except (ValueError, SyntaxError) as e:
        return False
    if point.verify(z, sig):
    return True
class S256Point(Point):

    def parse(self, sec_bin):
        if sec_bin[0] == 4:
            x = int.from_bytes(sec_bin[1:33], 'big')
            y = int.from_bytes(sec_bin[33:65], 'big')
            return S256Point(x=x, y=y)
        is_even = sec_bin[0] == 2
        x = S256Field(int.from_bytes(sec_bin[1:], 'big'))
        alpha = x**3 + S256Field(B)
        beta = alpha.sqrt()
        if beta.num % 2 == 0:
            even_beta = beta 
            odd_beta = S256Field(P - beta.num)
            even_beta = S256Field(P - beta.num)
            odd_beta = beta
        if is_even:
            return S256Point(x, even_beta)
            return S256Point(x, odd_beta)

class Signature:

    def parse(cls, signature_bin):
        s = BytesIO(signature_bin)
        compound = s.read(1)[0]
        if compound != 0x30:
            raise SyntaxError("Bad Signature")
        length = s.read(1)[0]
        if length + 2 != len(signature_bin):
            raise SyntaxError("Bad Signature Length")
        marker = s.read(1)[0]
        if marker != 0x02:
            raise SyntaxError("Bad Signature")
        rlength = s.read(1)[0]
        r = int.from_bytes(s.read(rlength), 'big')
        marker = s.read(1)[0]
        if marker != 0x02:
            raise SyntaxError("Bad Signature")
        slength = s.read(1)[0]
        s = int.from_bytes(s.read(slength), 'big')
        if len(signature_bin) != 6 + rlength + slength:
            raise SyntaxError("Signature too long")
        return cls(r, s)

class S256Point(Point):
    def verify(self, z, sig):
        s_inv = pow(sig.s, N - 2, N)
        u = z * s_inv % N 
        v = sig.r * s_inv % N
        total = u * G + v * self
        return total.x.num == sig.r