groovy groovy groovy

task groovy << {}

def foo = 6.5

println "foo has value. $foo"
println "Let's do same math. 5 + 6 = ${5 + 6}"
println "foo is of type: ${foo.class} and has value: $foo"

foo = "a string"
println "foo is new of type: ${foo.class} and has value: $foo"
[vagrant@localhost ud867]$ gradle groovy
Hello Java!


Total time: 6.464 secs
[vagrant@localhost ud867]$ gradle groovy
foo has value. 6.5
Let's do same math. 5 + 6 = 11
foo is of type: class java.math.BigDecimal and has value: 6.5
foo is new of type: class java.lang.String and has value: a string


Total time: 6.531 secs
task groovy << {}

def doubleIt(n){
	n + n // Note we don't need a return statement

def foo = 5
println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"

foo = "foobar"
println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"
[vagrant@localhost ud867]$ gradle groovy
doubleIt(5) = 10
doubleIt(foobar) = foobarfoobar


Total time: 6.396 secs