### Resolver
The resolver is basically a call back function for each field. There is always a default resolver for all fields, when we define own resolve function for a field, we simply override the default resolver.
### How to define Schema for Query
$schema_obj = new Schema { "query" => $queryType, "mutation" => $mutationType, "subscription" => $subscriptionType }
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use GraphQL\GraphQL; use GraphQL\Type\Schema; try { $schema_obj = new Schema([ 'query' => $queryType ]); $Input = file_get_contents('php://input'); $input_data = json_decode($Input, true); $query_data = $input_data['query']; $variable_values = isset($input_data['variables']) ? $input_data['variables'] : null; $value = ['prefix' => 'Output: ']; $resultant = GraphQL::executeQuery($schema_obj, $query_data, $value, null, $variable_values); $output_value = $resultant->toArray(); } catch(\Exception $e){ $output_value = [ 'errors' => [ [ 'message' => $e->getMessage() ] ] ]; } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($output_value);
$ curl -d ‘{“query”: “query { echo(message: \” Hi Knowband, this is my first GraphQL program \”) }” }’
{“errors”:[{“message”:”Schema does not define the required query root type.”,”extensions”:{“category”:”graphql”},”locations”:[{“line”:1,”column”:1}]}]}
うむ… 実践的にやらないとあかんな