Git intro

creating repositories with git init and git clone
reviewing repos with git status
using git log and git show to review past commits
being able to make commits with git add
commit them to the repo with git commit
need to know about branching, merging branches together, and resolving merge conflicts
being able to undo things in Git:
git commit –amend to undo the most recent commit or to change the wording of the commit message
git reset if you’re comfortable with all of these, then you’ll be good to go for this

It’s incredibly helpful to make all of your commits on descriptively named topic branches. Branches help isolate unrelated changes from each other.
So when you’re collaborating with other developers make sure to create a new branch that has a descriptive name that describes what changes it contains.

git remote
git push
git pull

Git is a distributed version control system which means there is not one main repository of information. Each developer has a copy of the repository. So you can have a copy of the repository (which includes the published commits and version history) and your friend can also have a copy of the same repository. Each repository has the exact same information that the other ones have, there’s no one repository that’s the main one.

The way we can interact and control a remote repository is through the Git remote command:

$ git remote