$ mkdir greeter-dapp
$ truffle unbox react
$ truffle develop
truffle(develop)> compile
truffle(develop)> migrate
$ cp ../greeter/contracts/Greeter.sol contracts/
var GreeterContract = artifacts.require("./Greeter.sol"); module.exports = function(deployer) { deployer.deploy(GreeterContract); };
import React, { Component } from "react"; import GreeterContract from "./contracts/Greeter.json"; import getWeb3 from "./getWeb3"; import "./App.css"; class App extends Component { state = { greeting: '', web3: null, accounts: null, contract: null }; componentDidMount = async () => { try { // Get network provider and web3 instance. const web3 = await getWeb3(); // Use web3 to get the user's accounts. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); // Get the contract instance. const networkId = await web3.eth.net.getId(); const deployedNetwork = GreeterContract.networks[networkId]; const instance = new web3.eth.Contract( GreeterContract.abi, deployedNetwork && deployedNetwork.address, ); // Set web3, accounts, and contract to the state, and then proceed with an // example of interacting with the contract's methods. this.setState({ web3, accounts, contract: instance }, this.runExample); } catch (error) { // Catch any errors for any of the above operations. alert( `Failed to load web3, accounts, or contract. Check console for details.`, ); console.error(error); } }; runExample = async () => { const { accounts, contract } = this.state; const response = await contract.methods.greet().call(); this.setState({greeting: response}) }; render() { if (!this.state.web3) { return <div>Loading Web3, accounts, and contract...</div>; } return ( <div className="App"> <h1>Greeter</h1> {this.state.greeting} <form> <label> New Greeting: <input type="text" value={this.state.greeting} onChange={this.handleGreetingChange}> </label> </form> <button onClick={this.formSubmitHandler}> Submit </button> </div> ); } } export default App;