import turtle def draw_star(some_turtle): for i in range(1, 6): some_turtle.forward(100) some_turtle.right(144) def draw_art(): window = turtle.Screen() window.bgcolor("red") brad = turtle.Turtle() brad.shape("arrow") brad.color("blue") brad.speed(5) for i in range(1, 11): draw_star(brad) brad.right(36) # angie = turtle.Turtle() # angie.shape("arrow") # angie.color("blue") # # triangle = turtle.Turtle() # angie.shape("arrow") # angie.color("blue") # for x in range(0, 3): # brad.forward(100) # brad.right(240) window.exitonclick() draw_art()
open file and read the content from the file.
python library:
below code “quotes” indicate the object another word instance.
def read_text(): quotes = open(r"C:\Users\hoge\Desktop\controller\movie_quote.txt") contents_of_file = print(contents_of_file) quotes.close() read_text()
using python build-in function
def multi_func(a, b): return a*b items = [1,3, 5, 7] def reduce_value(): value = reduce(multi_func, items) print(value) reduce_value()