View Properties

Intrinsic Content Size
Compression Resistance
Content Hugging

-stack view
axis, spacing, alignment, distribution

happily modifies size of view
-> fill(default), fill equally, fill proportionally

works hard not to modify size of views
->equal spacing, equal centering

alignment -horizontal stack views
text-> ascender, baseline, descender

guiding principles of autolayout
-stackView first, constraints later
-Start small, or not at all
-Work from the inside out
-Trust the simulator only
-Don’t panic

Seven Commandments of AutoLayout
1. Tweak the properties of the StackView
2. Use another StackView
3. Tweak the compression resistance or the hugging priority
4. Add constraints to the StackView
5. Add constraints to the views
6. To connect views within different StackViews, use V.
7. If everything else fails, use a filler view


-Laying out the views
-Deciding how these views will adapt when the available screen size changes

import UIKit

class CodeViewController:
	UIViewController {

	override func loadView(){

-screen size changes
iphone se, iphone 6+

code, xibs, storyboards

-Swift Code(NSLayoutConstraint)
-Visual Format Code
-Creating constraints in IB


function practice

func firstCharacter(of word: String) -> Character {
	return word[word.startIndex]

firstCharacter(of: "Mom")
import Fundation

func placeFirstLetterLast(myString: String){
func placeFirstLetterLast (myString: String) -> String {
	var myString = myString
	myString.append(firstCharacter(of: myString))
	return myString
func shortNameFromName(name: String) -> String {
	let lowercaseName = name.lowercaseString
	let vowelSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "aeiou")

shortNameFromName(name: "Nate")
shortNameFromName(name: "Talia")
func lyricsForName(lyricsTemplate: String, fullName: String) -> String {
	let shortName = shortNameForName(name: fullName)

	let lyrics = lyricsTemplate
		.replacingOccurrences(of: "<FULL_NAME>", with: fullName)
		.replacingOccurrences(of: "<SHORT_NAME>", with: shortName)

	return lyrics


The function print, min, max, and abs are a few examples of global functions. Check out a complete list of Swift’s global functions.

print("I'm a global function!")

var initialPrice = 50
var bestOffer = 45
var finalPrice = min(bestOffer, initialPrice)

Anatomy of a function

func functionName (_ parameterName: parameterType) -> returnType {
	statements to execute
	return object
func sumOfStrings(_ aBunchOfStrings: [String]) -> Int {
	let array = aBunchOfStrings
	var sum = 0
	for string in array {
		if Int(string) != nil {
			let int intToAdd = Int(string)!
			sum += intToAdd
	return sum
func reverse(_ string: String) -> String {
	var reversedString = ""
	for character in string.characters {
		reversedString = "\(character)" + reversedString
	return reversedString
func warmUp(temperature: Int) -> Int {
	return temperature + 10
func firstChar(word: String) -> Character {
	return word[word.startIndex]

func concatenate(firstString: String, secondString secondString){
	return firstString + secondString
func warmUp(temperature: Int) -> Int {
	return temperature + 10
func firstCharacter(word: String) -> Character {
	return word[word.startIndex]
func concatenate(firstString: String, secondString: String)-> String {
	return firstString + secondString

type of variable

var lightSwitchOn: Bool = true
var dimmer: Int = 7
var dimmerWithDecimals: Float = 3.14
var veryPreciseDimmer: Double = 3.14159265359

print(type(of: lightSwitchOn))
print(type(of: veryPreciseDimmer))

Double, Bool, String, Float

use let to declare a constant when we expect its value to remain the same
we expect let not change

let encouragement = "You can do it!"

var personalizedEncouragement = "You can do it, Stephanie!"
personalizedEncouragement = personalizedEncouragement.replacingOccurrences(of: "Stephanie", with: "Ryder")

let birthYear = 2008
var currentYear = 2016
var age = currentYear - birthYear
age = currentYear - birthYear


var word = "fortunate"

var password = "Mary had a little loris"
var newPassword = password.replacingOccurences(of: "a" with "A")
import Foundation

var didYouKnowString = "Did you know that the Swift String class comes with lots of useful methods?"
var whisperString = "pass" + ", " + "\(didYouKnowString.lowercased())"
var shoutString = "TODO: Make the shoutString here!"
import Foundation

var forwardString = "stressed"

var lottaLikes = "If like, you wanna learn Swift like, you should build lots of small apps, cuz it's like, a good way to practice."

string interpolation

import Glibc

var nounArray = ["puppy", "laptop", "ocean", "app", "cow", "skateboard", "developer", "coffee", "moon"]

var index1 = Int(random() % 9)
var index2 = Int(random() % 9)

var sentence = "The \(nounarray[6]) spilled her \(nounArray[7])."

var sillySentence = "The \(nounArray[index1]) jumped over the \(nounArray[index2])."

var eString = "Meet me in St. Louis"
for character in eString.characters {
	if character == "e" {
		print("found an e!")
	} else {
var eString = "Meet me in St. Louis"
for character in eString.characters {
	if character == "e" {
		print("found an e!")
	} else {	

var theTruth = "Mony can buy me love."
var characterCount = theTruth.characters.count

var forwardString = "spoons"
var charactersReversed = forwardString.characters.reversed()
var backwardsString = String(charactersReversed)

found an e!
found an e!
found an e!

swift string

var exitement: Character = "!"

var myFirstString: String = "In wine, there is wisdom."
var mySecondString: String = "In water, there is Giardia."

var characterPoorString = ""

var stringWithPotential = String()

var theTruth = myFirstString + " " + mySecondString

// Plain string
var doggyDiet = "Mia eats 10lbs of dog food per month"

// define variables
var dogName = "Mia"
var lbsPerMonth: Double = 10

// Same string, this time with the variable inserted
doggyDiet = "\(dogName) eats \(lbsPerMonth)lbs of dog food per month"

let kilosInALb = 0.45
lbsPerMonth = 25
var metricDoggyDiet = "\(dogName) eats \(kilosInAlb * lbsPerMonth)kilos of dog food per month"


dogName = "Mia"
lbsPerMonth = 10
metricDoggyDiet = "\(dogName) eats \(kilosInALb * lbsPerMonth)kilos of dog food per month"
