Malicious Code

Reasons attackers use malware: automation, scalability, and deniability
Attackers release malicious programs on the internet and let spread

types of malicious software
– needs host program: trap door, logic bombs, trojan horses, viruses, browser plug-in extension, script
– independent: Worms, botnet, APTs

Trap door
– A secret entry point to a program or system.
– Typically works by recognizing some special sequence of inputs or special user ID.

Logic Bombs
– Embedded in some legitimate program
– Explode or perform malicious activities when certain condition are met

Trojan Horses
– Hidden in an apparently useful host program
– Performs some unwanted/harmful function when the host program is executed

– Infect a program by modifying it
– Self-copy into the program to spread

Inference Attacks on Databases

– Certain aggregate/statistical queries can be allowed by all users.
– Consider a student grade database with schema studentid, student_standing(junior or senior), exam1_score, exam2_score, final_grade.

Average score on an example is a query that any student should be able to run.
Attacker wants to find exact score of some student
Inference attack when target takes the exam late
– Average score before target takes the exam
– Average score after target takes the exam
– Target score can be easily found

Another example: only one student has junior standing in a senior class
– Get average score of students who have junior standing
– This query discloses score of a single student

Defenses Against Inference Attacks
– Do not allow aggregate query results when the set of tuples selected is either too small or too large
– Transform data by removing identifying information
this has to be done with care

SQL Injections

– Malicious SQL commands are sent to a database
– Can impact both confidentiality(extraction of data) and integrity(corruption of data)
– In a web application environment, typically a script takes user input and build an SQL query
– Web application vulnerability can be used to craft an SQL injection

Return information about items shipped to a certain city specified user in web application that uses forms

Var Shipcity;
Shipcity = Request.form("Shipcity");
Var sql = "select * from OrdersTable where 
Shipcity = "" + Shipcity + """;

SQL Injection Example
– User enters REDMOND
– Script generates SELECT * FROM OrdersTable Where Shipcity = ‘Redmond’
– What if user enters Redmond’ ;DROP table OrdersTable;?
– In this case, SELECT * FROM OrdersTable WHERE Shipcity = ‘Redmond’;DROP OrderesTable is generated
Malicious user is able to inject code to delete the table
– Many other code injection examples exist

Input checking
(golden rule – all input is evil)

see OWASP top 10 proactive controls

Importance of Database Security

Why securing data stored in databases so important and different?
– Databases store massive amounts of sensitive data
– Data has structure that influences how it is accessed
– Accessed via queries or programs written in languages like SQL
– Transactional nature of queries
– Derived data or database views

Relational Database System (RDBS)
– Relational model based database systems are widely used in real-world envrionments
– A relational database consists of relations or tables
– A table is defined by a schema and consists of tuples
– Tuples store attribute values as defined by schema
– Keys used to access data in tuples

Employee Table: Foreign Key, Primary Key

Operations on relations:
– Create, select, insert, update, join and delete
– It returns tuples for Robin and Cody

Queries written in a query language(e.g., SQL) use such basic operations to access data in a database as needed.

Two commands: GRANT and REVOKE
GRANT {privileges|role}
TO {user|role|public}

Privileges can be for operations such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE OR DELETE.

Revisiting Assurance

Demonstrate existence of problem
Cannot demonstrate absence of problem
Regression testing: ensure that alterations do not break existing functionality / performance

test case generation, code coverage, exponential number of different executions, different execution environments

Penetration testing:
Ethical hackers attempt to defeat security measures
Cannot demonstrate absence of problem

Formal verification: Checking a mathematical specification of program to ensure that security assertions hold.
– Model checking, automated theorem proving
– State variables w/initial assignment, program specification describing how state changes, boolean predicates over state variables
– Difficulty: exponential time & space worst case complexity
– Model checking pioneers won the 2007 turning award

Common Criteria(2005) international standard replaced orange book
– Originated out of European, Canadian, and US standards
– Idea: users specify system needs, vendors implement solution and make claims about security properties, evaluators determine whether vendors actually met claims
– Evaluation assurance level(EAL) rates systems
– EAL1 most basic, EAL7 most rigorous

Complete mediation of accesess

Trusted path from user to secure system
prevents programs from spoofing interface of secure components
prevents programs from tapping path(e.g. keyloggers)

Audit log showing object accesses – only useful if you /look/ at the log
detect unusual use of the system

Kernel Design
Security kernel enforce all security mechanisms
Good isolation, small size for verifiability, keeps security code together
Reference monitor controls access to objects (monitors all references to objects)
Tamperproof[impossible to break or disable]
Un-Bypassable[always invoked, complete mediation]
Analyzable [small enough to analyze & understand]

All parts of OS needed for correct enforcement of securioty policy
handles primitive I/O, clocks, interrupt handling, hardware capabilities, label checkikng
Virtual machine provides hardware isolation, logical OS separation

Assurance: Ways of convincing ourselves that a model, design, & implementation are correct

Methods of assurance validation:
Testing / Penetration testing
Formal verification validation
Checking that developers have implemented all requirements
Requirements checking, design & code reviews, system testing

Trusted Computing Bases

Trusting Software:
Functional correctness
Does what it was designed to do
Maintains data integrity
Even for bad input
Protects disclosure of sensitive data
Does not pass to untrusted software
Experts analyze program & assure trust
Statement giving security we expect system to enforce
Do this formally when and where possible

TCB Design Princeples
Least privilege for users & programs, Economy, Open design, Complete mediation, Fail-safe defaults, Ease of use

How do we build a TCB:
Support key security features
-Must implement certain security relevant functions
Access control to files & general objects
Mandatory access control(SELinux)
Discretionary access control(standard file permissions)

-Protection of data used by OS(OS must protect itself)
Security features of trusted OSes
Object reuse protection
Disk blocks, memory frames reused
Process can allocate disk or memory, then look to see what’s left behind
Trusted OS should zero out object before reuse
Secure file deletion: overwrite with varying patterns of zeros & ones
Secure disk destruction: degaussing, physical destruction

Other MAC Model

Biba is dual of BLP
– Focuses on integrity rather than confidentiality
– Read-up and write-down rules

– Integrity level could be high, medium or low
– Compartment could be similar to BLP and captures topic(s) of document
– Low integrity information should never flow up into high integrity documents

Policies for Commercial Envrionments
– User clearance is not common
– Other requirements exist
Data only be accessed by certain application(e.g., payroll)
Separation-of-duty and conflict-of-interest requirements

Clark-Wilson Policy
Users -> Programs(transactions) -> Objects
same user cannot execute two programs that require separation-of duty
Chinese Wall Policy
deals with conflict of interest

Objects are put into conflict classes:
the user can access any object as long as he/she has not accessed an object from another company in the same conflict class

Trusted Computing Bases(TCB)
Revisiting Trusted Computing Base(TCB)
– How do we know TCB can be trusted?
Secure vs. trusted vs high assurance
set of all hardware and software trusted to operate securely
required for all other trust in the system security policy

Implementing MAC

Example of labels/MAC in a DoD Environment
1. Label = (Sensitivity lavel, compartment)
2. Lets us consider highly sensitive documents that have information about various arms stockpiles.
L1 = (TS,{nuclear, chemical})
L2 = (S,{nuclear, conventional})
1.Providing confidential access to documents(Bell and La Padula or BLP Model)

Comparing Labels
– Assume sensitivity levels are totally ordered(TS > S > C > U)
– Compartments are sets which can only be partially ordered
How do we order labels?

Comparing Labels
L1 = (X1, Comp1), L2 = (X2, Comp2)
L1 dominates L2 : L1 > L2 and Comp1 >= Comp2
or L1 is dominated by L2 : l1 < l2 and Comp1 <= Comp2 or L1 = L2 : l1 = :2 and Comp1 = Comp2 or L1 and L2 are not comparable : L1 > L2 and L1 < L2 and L1 = L2 Ordering Among Labels ordering among labels defines a structure called a lattice: Partial Order L1 = (TS,{A,B,C}) L1 > L2?
L2 = (S, {A,B}) L2 < L1? L3 = (S, {B,C,C}) L1 and L3 are not compared Using labels for MAC:confidentiality Bell and La Padua or BLP Model(Developed by DoD) - Assumes classification of data(TS, S,C,U) and clearances for subjects Read/Write rules - User with Label L1 can read document with label L2 only when L1 dominates L2 read-down rule(simple security property) - User with label L1 can write document with label L2 when L1 dominated by L2 Write-up rule(star property) Preventing Information Flow with BLP

Mandatory Access Control

Discretionary Access Control
– In discretionary access control(DCA), owner of resource decides how it can be shared
– Owner can choose to give read or write access to other users

Discretionary Access Control
Two problems with DAC:
You cannot control if someone you share a file with will no further share the data contained in it
Cannot control “information flow”
In many organizations, a user does not get to decide how certain type of data can be shared
Typically the employer may mandate how to share various types of sensitive data
Mandatory Access Control(MAC) helps address these problems

Mandatory Access Control(MAC) Models
User works in a company and the company decides how data should be shared
Hospital owns patient records and limits their sharing
Regulatory requirements may limit sharing
HIPAA for health information

Military and intelligence agencies:
Data has associated classification level and users are cleared at various levels
– top secret, secret, confidential etc.
– Limits on who can access data at a certain level
User cleared only at secret level should not be able to access top secret data
– Also called multilevel security(MLS)