[AWS Glacier] 入門


	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Effect": "Deny",
			"Principal" : {
				"AWS" : "*"
			"Action": "glacier:DeleteArchive",
			"Resource": "arn:aws:glacier:ap-northeast-1:00000000000:vaults/naata-Glacier"

1. Create Vault
2. Enable notifications and create a new SNS topic
3. Event Notifications Details
Archive Retrieval Job Complete : on
Vault Inventory Retrieval Job Complete : on

### S3のGlacier自動アーカイブ機能を設定する

1. S3に任意のフォルダを作成する
2. Create Lifecycle rule


[AWS Glacier] 基礎

1GBあたり$0.004/月とS3の$0.019/月 より安い

### アーカイブ
AWS S3 Glacierではアーカイブに保存される

### ボールド
コンテナとしてアーカイブをAWS S3 Glacierにまとめてグループ化することができる


– すぐにダウンロードしなければならないファイルやよく取り出すファイルなどはAmazon S3
– ほとんど取り出す機会がないデータやダウンロードに時間が掛かってもいいデータはAmazon Glacier

なんか どうなってんだコレは…

AWS Glacier

Let’s have a look at AWS Glacier

– Very low cost
– Storage service suitable for archiving data
– It is suitable for data that does not cause hindrance even when it takes time to take out and data that is not frequently accessed
– It is suitable for the case to be adopted as a replacement for conventional tape backup

It is said storage for backup.

To upload data such as photos, videos and other documents, need to use the AWS CLI. Althernatively, need to write code to make the upload request either directly using REST API or using the AWS SDK.

Amazon Glacier’s data is managed in units called Valut. Up to 1000 valuts can be created for each region, and up to 40 TB can be saved per Valut.

– Do not enable notification

As a concept feel like S3.