
sudo npm install -g bower

run bower install

var numLetters = function(letter){
	return new Function('times',
		"if (times < 0) return '';
		var result = '';
		times = Math.round(times);
		while(times--){ result += '" + letter +"'; }
		return result;"

<div id="beach-info"></div>
<script type="text/template" id="beach-supplies">
	<% if(supplies.empty) { %>
		<p> Whaaaat? Get to the beach anyway! </p>
	<% } %>

		<li> Sunscreen - <% if (supplies.sunscreen) { %> check! <% } %> </li>
		<% if (supplies.towel) { %>
			<li> Towel - Yes, a <%= supplies.towel =%> one! </li>
		<% } %>
		<li> Shades - <% if (supplies.shades) { %> check! <% } else { %> sadly, no!! <% } %></li>
var string = "Hi, my name is *(name)*. And I *(emotion)* this *(thing)*!";

var logResult = template( string );

logResult('Richard', 'love', 'green mint icecream', 2);

npm install -g grunt-cli bower yo generator-karma generator-angular