Functions for Lines

from decimal import Decimal, getcontext

from vector import vector
getcontext().prec = 30

class Line(object):
	NO_NONZERO_ELTS_FOUND_MSG = 'No nonzero element found'

	def __init__(self, normal_vector=None, constant_term=None):
		self.dimension = 2

		if not normal_vector:
			all_zeros = ['0']*self.dimension
			normal_vector = Vector(all_zeros)
		self.normal_vector = normal_vector

Ax + By + Cz = k1
Dx + Ey + Fz = k2
[A B C], [D E F] not parallel
dx = vector from x0 to x
Since x0, x in plane 1, dx is orth to n1

-One equation in two variables defines a line
-One equation in three variables define a plane

Caution: Count variables with coefficient 0
x + y = 2 defines a line in 2D
x + y = 2 defines a plane in 3D

systematically manipulate the system to make it easier to find the solution
– Manipulations should preserve the solution
– Manipulations should be reversible