
import os
from multiprocessing import Process

def run_child() -> None:
    print("Child: I am the child process")
    print(f"Child: Child's PID: {os.getpid()}")
    print(f"Child: Parent's PID: {os.getppid()}")

def start_parent(num_children: int) -> None:
    print("Parent: I am the parent process")
    print(f"Parent : Parent's PID: {os.getpid()}")
    for i in range(num_children):
        print(f"Starting Process {i}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    num_children = 3

$ python3 child_processes.py
Parent: I am the parent process
Parent : Parent’s PID: 576837
Starting Process 0
Starting Process 1
Starting Process 2
Child: I am the child process
Child: Child’s PID: 576838
Child: Parent’s PID: 576837
Child: I am the child process
Child: Child’s PID: 576840
Child: Parent’s PID: 576837
Child: I am the child process
Child: Child’s PID: 576839
Child: Parent’s PID: 576837

### Rustで書きたい

use std::process;
use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
    println!("My id is {}", process::id());

    let mut command = Command::new("ls");
    if let Ok(child) = command.spawn() {
        println!("My id is {}", child.id());

Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.15s
Running `target/debug/parallel`
My id is 577522
My id is 577561
Cargo.lock Cargo.toml python src target
