### 名前空間
– exportで外部から使えるようにする
namespace myapp { namespace foundation { export interface printable { print():void } export interface stringable { getString():string } } export type Person = { name:string age:number } export class MyData implements foundation.printable, foundation.stringable { people:Person[] = [] constructor(){} add(nm:string, ag:number){ this.people.push({name:nm, age:ag}) } print():void { console.log('*** mydata ***\n' + this.getString()) } getString():string { let res = '[\n' for (let item of this.people){ res += ' "' +item.name+ ' (' + item.age + ')",\n' } return res + ']' } } } const mydata = new myapp.MyData() mydata.add('taro', 39) mydata.add('hanako', 28) mydata.add('sachiko', 17) mydata.add('jiro', 6) mydata.print()
### モジュールとプログラムの分割
外部公開: export element
読み込み: import (element) from resources
export interface printable { print():void } export interface stringable { getString():string } export type Person = { name:string age:number } export class MyData implements printable, stringable { people:Person[] = [] constructor(){} add(nm:string, ag:number){ this.people.push({name:nm, age:ag}) } print():void { console.log('*** mydata ***\n' + this.getString()) } getString():string { let res = '[\n' for (let item of this.people){ res += ' "' +item.name+ ' (' + item.age + ')",\n' } return res + ']' } }
import { MyData } from './lib' const mydata = new MyData() mydata.add('taro', 39) mydata.add('hanako', 28) mydata.add('sachiko', 17) mydata.add('jiro', 6) mydata.print()
$ npm run build
$ node dist/main.js
*** mydata ***
“taro (39)”,
“hanako (28)”,
“sachiko (17)”,
“jiro (6)”,
### ミックスイン
function applyMixins(derivedCtor: any, constructors: any[]){ constructors.forEach((baseCtor) => { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(baseCtor.prototype).forEach((name) => { Object.defineProperty( derivedCtor.prototype, name, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(baseCtor.prototype, name) || Object.create(null) ); }); }); } class Person { name:string = '' title:string = '' setPerson(nm:string, tt:string):void { this.name = nm this.title = tt } } class Pet { kind:string = '' age:number = 0 setPet(k:string, ag:number):void { this.kind = k this.age = ag } } class Me { print():void { console.log(this.name + ' (' + this.age + ')\n' + '"' + this.title + '". pet is ' + this.kind + '!') } } interface Me extends Person, Pet {} applyMixins(Me, [Person,Pet]) const me = new Me() me.setPerson('taro', 'designer') me.setPet('cat', 2) me.print()
### 非同期処理とasync/await
function action(dt:number){ return new Promise(resolve=>{ setTimeout(()=> { console.log('fished promise!') resolve("delay:" + dt) }, dt) }) } action(2000).then(res=>console.log(res)) action(1000).then(res=>console.log(res)) action(500).then(res=>console.log(res))
async function doit(){ let re1 = await action(2000) console.log(re1) let re2 = await action(1000) console.log(re2) let re3 = await action(500) console.log(re3) } doit()
### ネットワークアクセス
fetch().then(response=> hoge) と書く
function getData(url:string){ fetch(url).then(res=>res.text()).then(re=>{ console.log(re) }) } const url = 'https://tuyano-dummy-data.firebaseio.com/message.json' getData(url)
function getData(url:string){ fetch(url).then(res=>res.json()).then(re=>{ for (let item of re){ console.log(item) } }) } const url = 'https://tuyano-dummy-data.firebaseio.com/sample_data.json' getData(url)
### ネットワークに同期アクセス
async function getData(url:string){ const response = await fetch(url) const result = await response.json() for(let item of result){ console.log(JSON.stringify(item)) } } const url = 'https://tuyano-dummy-data.firebaseio.com/sample_data.json' getData(url)
### POST送信
async function getData(url:string, obj:object){ await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', mode: 'cors', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(obj) }) const response = await fetch(url) const result = await response.json() console.log(result) } const url = "https://tuyano-dummy-data.firebaseio.com/sample_data.json" const obj = { title: 'hello!', message: 'This is sample message!' } getData(url, obj)