### インターフェイス
interface Human { name:string print():void } class Person implements Human { name:string = 'no-name' mail:string age:number constructor(name:string, mail:string = 'no-mail', age:number = -1){ this.name = name this.mail = mail this.age = age } print():void { console.log(this.name + '(' + this.mail + ',' + this.age + ')') } } class Student implements Human { name:string = 'no-name' school?:School grade?:number constructor(name:string,school?:School, grade?:number){ this.name = name this.school = school this.grade = grade } print():void { let gd:string = this.grade ? String(this.grade) : '-' console.log(this.name + '(' + this.school + ' school: ' + gd + ' grade)') } } const taro:Person = new Person('taro', 'taro@yamada', 39) const hanako:Student = new Student('hanako', School.high, 39) const sachiko:Person = new Person('sachiko') const jiro:Student = new Student('jiro') const data:Human[] = [taro, hanako, sachiko, jiro] for(let item of data){ item.print() }
### インターフェイスの継承
interface People extends Human { birth:Date } class Employee implements People { name:string = 'no-name' company:string = '' birth:Date = new Date() constructor(nm:string, cm:string, bth:Date){ this.name = nm this.company = cm this.birth = bth } print():void { console.log(this.name + ' [' + this.company + ']') } } const ichiro = new Employee('ichiro', 'Baseball Inc.', new Date('1982/10/10')) ichiro.print()
### 静的メンバー
class StaticHuman { static fullname:string static age:number static set(nm:string, ag:number):void { this.fullname = nm this.age = ag } static print():void { console.log(this.fullname + '(' + this.age + ')') } } StaticHuman.set('taro',39) StaticHuman.print() StaticHuman.set('hanako',29) StaticHuman.print()
### パラメータープロパティ
class Human { constructor(readonly name:string, readonly age:number){ } print():void { console.log(this.name + '(' + this.age + ')') } } const taro = new Human('taro', 39) taro.print() const hana = new Human('hanako', 28) hana.print()
### 総称型
class Data<T> { data?:T[] constructor(...item:T[]){ this.data = item } print():void { if(this.data) { for(let item of this.data){ console.log(item) } } else { console.log('no data...') } } } const data1 = new Data<string>('one','two','three') const data2 = new Data<number>(123,456,78,90) data1.print() data2.print()
### ユーティリティ型
type Human = { name:string mail?:string age?:number } class Person { human:Required<Human> constructor(nm:string, ml:string, ag:number){ this.human = {name:nm, mail:ml, age:ag} } print():void { console.log(this.human.name + ' (' + this.human.age + '::' + this.human.mail + ')') } } const taro = new Person('taro', 'taro@yamada', 39) taro.print()