### 配列
– 配列の作り方は[valu1, value2, …] と new Array()がある
const data = [10, 20, 30] const total = data[0] + data[1] + data[2] console.log('total:' + total)
– 変更不可の配列
let data2:readonly number[] = [10, 20, 30] data2[0] = 100
Index signature in type ‘readonly number[]’ only permits reading.
– 配列の場合は for(let variables of value) を使う
const data = [100, 98, 76, 59, 87] let total = 0 for (let item of data){ total += item } const av = total / data.length console.log('total:' + total) console.log('average:' + av)
– 配列の要素の操作
L 最初に追加
L 最初を削除
L 最後に追加
L 最後を削除
let data:any = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] console.log(data) for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ data.pop() data.unshift('⭐️') console.log(data) }
### タプル
let me:[string, number] let you:[string, number] me = ['taro', 39] you = ['hanako', 'hanako@gmail.com']
### enum
enum janken {goo, choki, paa} const you = janken.goo switch(you) { case janken.goo: console.log('あいこ') break case janken.choki: console.log('win') break case janken.paa: console.log('lose') break }
### 型エイリアス
type name = string type age = number let me:[name, age] let you:[age, name] me = ['taro', 39] you = [29, 'hanako'] console.log(me) console.log(you)
type name = string type mail = string type age = number type person = [name, mail, age] const taro:person = ['taro', 'taro@gmail.com', 39] const hanako:person = ['hanako', 'hanako@gmail.com', 24] const sachiko:person = ['sachiko', 'sachiko@gmail.com', 17] const data:person[] = [taro, hanako, sachiko] for(let item of data){ console.log(item) }
L リテラルとは直接ソースコードに書かれる値
L 指定した値しかない型
type hello = "hello" type by = "bye" type name = string const taro:name = "taro" const msg1:hello = "hello" console.log(msg1 + ", " + taro) const hanako:name = "hanako" const msg2:by = "bye" console.log(msg2 + ", " + hanako)
conditional types
L “|”を使うことで、enumと同じような使い方ができる
type msg = "hello" | "bye" type name = string const taro:name = "taro" const msg1:msg = "hello" console.log(msg1 + ", " + taro) const hanako:name = "hanako" const msg2:msg = "bye" console.log(msg2 + ", " + hanako)
### 型チェック
– typeofで型チェックを行う
type id = number | string const idA:id = "taro" const idB:id = 123 const tp = idA switch(typeof(tp)){ case "number": console.log(tp + " is number") break case "string": console.log(tp + " is string") break default: console.log("type is undefined") }
### ユーティリティ型
type data = [string, number] type ReqData = Readonly<data> const x:data = ["taro", 39] const y:ReqData = ["hanako", 28] x[1] = 28 y[1] = 17
Cannot assign to ‘1’ because it is a read-only property.
### シンボル
variable = Symbol(value)
const a1:string = "ok" const b1:string = "ok" console.log(a1 == b1) console.log(a1 === b1) const a2:unique symbol = Symbol("ok") const b2:unique symbol = Symbol("ok") console.log(a2 == b2) console.log(a2 === b2)
This condition will always return ‘false’ since the types ‘typeof a2’ and ‘typeof b2’ have no overlap.
This condition will always return ‘false’ since the types ‘unique symbol’ and ‘string’ have no overlap.
### nullかも知れない値
type data = [name:string, age?:number] const taro:data = ["taro", 39] const hanako:data = ["hanako"] console.log(taro) console.log(hanako)