これをRustのthread poolで実装したい。。
import time
import math
import hashlib
import typing as T
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool
ChunkRange = T.Tuple[int, int]
def crack_chunk(crypto_hash: str, length: int, chunk_start: int, chunk_end: int)-> T.Union[str, None]:
print(f"Processing {chunk_start} to {chunk_end}")
combinations = get_combinations(length=length, min_number=chunk_start, max_number=chunk_end)
for combination in combinations:
if check_password(crypto_hash, combination):
return combination
def get_chunks(num_ranges: int, length: int) -> T.Iterator[ChunkRange]:
max_number = int(math.pow(10, length) - 1)
chunk_starts = [int(max_number / num_ranges * i) for i in range(num_ranges)]
chunk_ends = [start_point - 1 for start_point in chunk_starts[1:]] + [max_number]
return zip(chunk_starts, chunk_ends)
def crack_password_parallel(crypto_hash: str, legnth: int) -> None:
num_cores = os.cpu_count()
print("Processing number combinations correctly")
start_time = time.perf_counter()
with Pool() as pool:
arguments = ((crypto_hash, length, chunk_start, chunk_end)
for chunk_start, chunk_end in get_chunks(num_cores, length))
results = pool.starmap(crack_chunk, arguments)
print("waiting for chunks to finish")
result = [res for res in results if res]
print(f"PASSWORD CRACKED: {result[0]}")
process_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time
print(f"PROCESS TIME: {process_time}")
def get_combinations(*, length: int,
min_number: int = 0,
max_number: T.Optional[int] = None) -> T.List[str]:
combinations = []
if not max_number:
max_number = int(math.pow(10, length) - 1)
for i in range(min_number, max_number + 1):
str_num = str(i)
zeros = "0" * (length - len(str_num))
combinations.append("".join((zeros, str_num)))
return combinations
def get_crypto_hash(password: str) -> str:
return hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest()
def check_password(expected_crypto_hash: str,
possible_password: str) -> bool:
actual_crypto_hash = get_crypto_hash(possible_password)
return expected_crypto_hash == actual_crypto_hash
def crack_password(crypto_hash: str, length: int) -> None:
print("Processing number combinations sequentially")
start_time = time.perf_counter()
combinations = get_combinations(length=length)
for combination in combinations:
if check_password(crypto_hash, combination):
print(f"PASSWORD CRACKED: {combination}")
process_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time
print(f"PROCESS TIME: {process_time}" )
if __name__ == "__main__":
crypto_hash = "8bb0cf6eb9b17d0f7d22b456f121257dc1254e1f01665370476383ea776df414"
length = 7
crack_password_parallel(crypto_hash, length)
$ python3 password_cracking_parallel.py
Processing number combinations correctly
Processing 4999999 to 9999999
Processing 0 to 4999998
waiting for chunks to finish
PROCESS TIME: 3.9475781959481537