override func shouldPerformSegue(withIdentifier identifier: String, sender: Any?) -> Bool { if identifier == "showResult" { guard self.nameText.text != "" else { let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Error", message: "Please enter your name", preferredStye: alert) let defaultAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil) alertController.addAction(defaultAction) self.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil) return false } return true } return true }
Month: May 2018
text fieldの値をview controllerに渡す
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { guard let identifier = segue.identifier else { return } if identifier == "showResult"{ let resultVC = segue.destination as! ResultViewController resultVC.myName = self.nameText.text! } }
Sierraを入れられず、mac book買い換えないとダメかと思いmac bookを物色していましたが、ストレージ周りをいろいろ整理していたら、何故かいけましたね。一安心。今日が日曜でなければ一杯飲んでたところ。
強制停止はcomand + option + esc
x-code 9.3.1 入りました。半日かかった。ヒャッホー
ios 新しいclass file
file -> new -> file -> cocoa file
新しく作ったcocoa classをview controllerと紐づける
prepare func
class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var nameText: UITextField! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } ovrride func prepare(for seque: UIStoryboardSeque, sender: Any?) { let resultVC = seque.destination as! ResultViewController resultVC.myName = self.nameText.text! } }
navigation controller
editor -> embed in -> navigation controller
@IBAction func getOmikuji(sender: AnyObject) { // 0 - n // arc4random_uniform(n + 1) let random = arc4random_uniform(10) self.myLabel.text = String(random) }
@IBOutlet weak var myLabel: UILabel! @IBAction func getOmikuji(sender: AnyObject) { // 0 - n // arc4random_uniform(n + 1) let results = ["大吉", "中吉","吉", "大凶"] let random = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(results.count)) self.myLabel.text = results[Int(random)] } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // myLabel.layer.borderColor = UIColor.orange.cgColor // myLabel.layer.borderWidth = 5 // myLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 50 myLabel.layer.masksToBounds = true myLabel.layer.cornerRadius = myLabel.bounds.width / 2 // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. }
xcode: comand + =
conmand + “=” でフォントサイズを調整する
comand + option + “0”
-> utility areaを消す
swift basic3
// Generics func getThree<T>(x: T){ print(x) print(x) print(x) } getThree(x: 5) getThree(x: "Hello") getThree(x: 2.3)
// func sayHi(_ msg: String?){ // if let s = msg{ // print(s) // } else { // print("value is not set!") // } // } // sayHi(nil) // sayHi("hello") func sayHi(_ msg: String?){ guard let s = msg else{ print("value not set!") return } print(s) } sayHi(nil) sayHi("hello")
// 例外処理 enum LoginError: Error{ case emptyName case shortName } class User { let name: String init(_ name: String){ self.name = name } func login() throws{ guard name != "" else { throw LoginError.emptyName } guard name.characters.count > 5 else { throw LoginError.shortName } print("login success") } } let tom = User("tom") do { try tom.login() } catch LoginError.emptyName { print("please enter your name") } catch LoginError.shortName{ print("too short") }
// class User { // var name: String = "" // } // let user: User // user = User() // user.name = "him" // let s = user.name.uppercased() // print(s) class User { var name: String = "" } let user: User? user = User() user?.name = "him" if let s = user?.name?.uppercased(){ print(s) }
// Implicity Unwrapped Optional // var msg: String? var msg: String! msg = "hello" // if msg != nil { // print(msg!) // } print(msg)
swift basic 2
// protocol protocol Printable { var type: String { get } var count : Int { get set} func printout() } class User : Printable{ let name: String // property let type = "Laser" var count = 0 init(_ name: String){ self.name = name } func printout(){ count += 1 print("\(type): \(count)") } } let tom = User("tom") tom.printout() tom.printout() tom.printout()
// extension extension String { var length: Int { return self.characters.count } } let msg = "hello" print(msg.characters.count) print(msg.length) protocol Printable { func printout() } class User{ let name: String // property init(_ name: String){ self.name = name } }
// extension extension String { var length: Int { return self.characters.count } } let msg = "hello" print(msg.characters.count) print(msg.length) protocol Printable { func printout() } extension Printable { func printout(){ print("now printing...") } } class User: Printable{ let name: String // property init(_ name: String){ self.name = name } } let tom = User("tom") tom.printout
// Int, Double, Array .. ->値型 // Class -> 参照型 // var original = 10 // var copy = original // original // original = 20 // print(original) // print(copy) class User{ var name: String // property init(_ name: String){ self.name = name } } var original = User("tom") var copy = original // originalのデータが格納されている場所 original.name = "bob" print(original.name) print(copy.name)
// 構造体 // クラスと同機能 struct User{ var name: String // property init(_ name: String){ self.name = name } mutating func changeName(){ self.name = name.Uppercased() } } var original = User("tom") var copy = original // originalの値 original.name = "bob" print(original.name) print(copy.name)
// 列挙型 enum Direction { case right case left } // var dir: Direction // // dir = Direction.right // dir = .right // switch(dir){ // case .right: // print("right") // case .left: // print("left") // } enum Direction: Int { case right = 1 case left = -1 } print(Direction.right.rawValue)
swift basic
class User { let name: String // property var score: Int // init(name: String, score: Int){ init(_ name: String,_ score: Int){ self.name = name self.score = score } init(){ self.name = "bob" self.score = 30 } } // let tom = User(name: "tom", score: 23) let tom = User("tom", 23) print(tom.name) print(tom.score) let bob = User() print(bob.name) print(bob.score)
class User { let name: String // property var score: Int var level: Int{ get { return Int(score / 10) } set { if newValue >= 0 { score = newValue * 10 } } } init(_ name: String,_ score: Int){ self.name = name self.score = score } init(){ self.name = "bob" self.score = 30 } } let tom = User("tom", 23) print(tom.level) tom.level = 5 print(tom.score)
let name: String // property var score: Int { willSet { // before change print("\(score) -> \(newValue)") } didSet { // after change print("Changed: \(score - oldValue)") } } init(_ name: String,_ score: Int){ self.name = name self.score = score } } let tom = User("tom", 23) tom.score = 53 tom.score = 40
class User { let name: String // property var score: Int init(_ name: String,_ score: Int){ self.name = name self.score = score } // クラスに紐付いた関数はメソッド func sayHi(msg: String){ print("\(msg) \(name)") } } let tom = User("tom", 23) // tom.sayHi() tom.sayHi(msg: "hola")
class User { let name: String // property var score: Int init(_ name: String,_ score: Int){ self.name = name self.score = score } func sayHi(){ print("hi \(name)") } } class AdminUser: User { func sayHello(){ print("hello \(name)") } override func sayHi(){ print("[admin] hi \(name)") } } let tom = User("tom", 23) let bob = AdminUser("bob", 33) print(bob.name) print(bob.score) bob.sayHi() bob.sayHello()
class User { let name: String // property var score: Int static var count = 0 init(_ name: String,_ score: Int){ self.name = name self.score = score User.count += 1 } func sayHi(){ print("hi \(name)") } static func getInfo(){ print("\(count) instances") } } User.getInfo() let tom = User("tom", 23) User.getInfo()
// asを使った変換 -> 型キャスト class User { let name: String // property init(_ name: String){ self.name = name } } class AdminUser: User {} let tom = User("tom") let bob = AdminUser("bob") let users: [User] = [tom, bob] for user in users { // if let u = user as? AdminUser{ // print(u.name) // } if user is AdminUser { user as! AdminUser print(u.name) } }