LinesVisible Association

context LinesVisible inv:
	ViewPort : viewContents->size() =
	ViewPort : height.min(FileManager : document->size())

Displays Diagram

context LinesVisible inv:
	let topLineNumber = ScrollBar : handlePosition *
		FileManager : document->size()
	in ViewPort : viewContents = FileManager : document->
		subsequence(topLineNumber, topLineNumber + ViewPort: viewContents->size() - 1)


GUI toolkit(library) for textBrowser

File Manager
-some way to access the file’s contents
-provide a module that can retrieve a limited length, consecutive subsequence of the file’s lines.

-need to be able to display the textual content graphically

-need to give the user some way to access different parts of the file

Use Cases
-three candidate structural elements
-behavior of the TextBrowser
-how the user will use the intended solution

Basic Concept: Why this application exist?
-> Re-text
– move handle
– change window(ViewPort) size

Analysis Model
– UML class-model diagram
– rectangle for classes
– Each rectangle is divided vertically
– Lines between the components denote relationships

– comprise those actions that the user can undertake to interact with the TextBrowser

Adrian Shaughnessy

“Having employed dozens of designers, I’ve never once taken into account a candidate’s academic qualification. I might take into account with design college, but I’m not swayed by the quality of degree.. I just know that too many good designers achieved poor grades at design school and it is always worth looking beyond academic marks.”
Adrian Shaughnessy

Definition of Scripts

Definition of Scripts
A causally coherent set of events.

1. Each event sets off, or causes, the next event.
2. The causal connections between events make sense.
3. The parts are actions or scenes in the world.

Restaurant Script
Script: restaurant
track: formal dining
props: tables, menu, check, money, F = food, P = place
roles: S = customer, W = waiter, C = cook, M = cashier, O = owner
entry: S is hungry, S has money
result: S has less money, O has more money, S is not hungry, S is pleased

Thematic Role System

David went to the meeting with Ashok by car.

Thematic Role
verb : go
agent : David
coagent : Ashok
destination : meeting
conveyance : car

Prepositional Constraints
Preposition, Themantic Roles
by | agent, conveyance, location
for | beneficiary, duration
from | source
to | destination
with | coagent, instrument

That was written by Ashok.
David went to New York by train
David stood by the statue.

formal logic

Why do we need formal logic?
Soundness: Only valid conclusions can be proven.
Completeness: All valid conclusions can be proven.

Vertebrate -> Bird -> Eagle, Bluebird, Penguin
If an animal has feathers, then it is a bird.
If an animal lays eggs and it files, then it is a bird.

Frame: How do we make sense of a sentence?

Ashok ate a frog.
subject: Ashok
object: a frog
object-alive: false
object-is: in-subject
subject-mood: happy

David ate a pizza at home:
subject: David
object: a pizza
object-alive: false
object-is: in-subject
subject-mood: happy

Angela ate lasagna with her dad last night at Olive Garden.
subject : Angela
object : lasagna
location : Olive Garden
time : night
utensils :
object-alive : false
object-is : in-subject
subject-mood : happy

Levels of Cognitive Architectures

Low Level <-> High Level
Hardware/Implementation Level(e.g. a brain, transister), Algrithm/Symbol Level(e.g. means-ends analysis, semantic networks), Task/Knowledge Level(e.g. selecting a pitch, playing baseball)

The layers of Watson: the physical computer searching and decision-making answering the inputted clue

Assumptions of a Cognitive Architecture
– Goal-oriented
– Rich, complex envrionment
– Significant knowledge
– Symbols and abstractions
– Flexible and function of the environment
– Learning

Architecture + Content = Behavior
Function for cognitive architectures: f:P* -> A
Percepts -> Action

Procedural, Semantic, Episodic
-> Working Memory

Semantic Networks

x -> x :unchanged
y -> y :expanded
z -> z :deleted

lexically: nodes
structurally: directional links
semantically: application specific labels

Guards and prisonaers

similarity weight
5point for unchanged, 4 for reflected, 3 for rotated, 2 for scaled, 1 for deleted, 0 for shape changed

Fundamental Conundrums of Artificial Intelligence

-intelligent agents have limited resources
-computation is local, but problems have global constraints
-logic is deductive, but many problems are not
-The world is dynamic, but knowledge is limited
-Problem solving, reasoning, and learning are complex, but explanation and justification are even more complex

Characteristics of AI Agents
-Agent have limited computing power
-Agent have limited sensors
-Agent have limited attention
-Computational logic is fundamentally deductive
-AI agents’ knowledge is incomplete relative to the world

input ->
Cognitive System
Deliberation:Reasoning, Learning, Memory
-> output

machine learning, semantic web, airplane autopilot, improvisational robots