Databse implementation

mSendButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
	public void onClick(View view){
	"rules": {
		".read": true,
		".write": ture

Database Security
-Database security rules
-Security rule configuration examples
-Authentication with Firebase

	"chat": {
		"messages": {
				"name": "person1",
				"text": "hey!"
				"name": "person2",
				"text": "what's up?"
	"special_chat": {
		"messages": {
				"name": "person1",
				"text":"want to go to the movies?"
			"-KR4tIpWmNn-EYxquSrw": {
				"name": "person3",
				"text": "Yeah! let's meet at 7."
	"users": {
		"uid2": {
			"paid": false
		"uid3": {
			"paid": true


Firebase Realtime Database

what is firebase databse?
what can it be used for?
realtime database in action
database structure best practices

“golden”: 1.618
“fog”: true
“palindrome”: “tacocat”
“messages”: “message1”: “name”:”person”, “text”:”Hello?”
“message2”: “name”:”Individual”, “text”:”Hi!”

node should be “child” and “parent

	"questions": {
		"ABCDakarandomkey": {
			"question": "Who was the 13th president of the United States?"
			"choice_1": "Millard Fillmore",
			"choice_2": "Zachary Taylor",
			"choice_3": "Franklin Pierce",
			"choice_4": "James K. Polk",
			"answer" :"choice_1"
			"question": "In what year was the first gasoline combustion engine invented?",
			"answer": "choice_4"
				"ABCDakarandomkey": "Correct",
				"EFGHakarandomkey": "Incorrect"
		"user_key_2": {
			"name": "Mai",
			"opponents": {
				"QRAAakarandomkey": "user_key_1",
				"SQUEakarandomkey": "user_key_6"
			"questions": {
	"opponents": {
		"couple_Key_1": "user_key_1_user_key_2",
		"user_1": "user_key_1",
		"user_2": "user_key_2",
		"winner": "user_key_1"