If-else statements take the form:
if condition {
} else {
var hungry = true if hungry { println("let's eat!") } else { println("let's wait.") }
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If-else statements take the form:
if condition {
} else {
var hungry = true if hungry { println("let's eat!") } else { println("let's wait.") }
While loops take the form:
while condition {
var timer = 10 while timer > 0 { --timer } var beerVolume = 12.0 var sip = 0.3 while beerVolume > 0 { print("Cheers!") beerVolume -= sip }
Repeat-While loop
repeat {
} while condition
repeat { --timer } while timer > 0 repeat { print("Cheers") beerVolume -= sip } while beerVolume > 0
var cutlery: Set = ["fork", "knife", "spoon", "spoon"] var flowers:Set<Character> = ["","",""] var utensils = Set<String>() var trees = Set<Character>()
Control Flow
-for loop statement
-switch statement
-if else statement
For-in loops take the form:
for item in Collection {
statements to execute on each item
import UIKit import Foundation for var index = 99; index > 0; --index { print("\(index) bottles of beer on the wall. \(index) bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around ...") }
var demoString = "Swift enumeration is so fast!" for character in demoString.characters { print(character) }
let intArray = [7, 21, 25, 13, 1] var sum = 0 for value in intArray { sum += value }
var movieDict = ["star wars":"Geroge Lucas", "Point Break": "Kathryn Biegelow", "When Harry Met Sally": "Rob Reiner", "The Dark Knight": "Christopher Nolan"] for (movie, director) in movieDict { print("\(director) directed \(movie)") } var animalGroupsDict = ["whales":"pod", "geese":"flock", "lions":"pride"] for (animals, animalGroup) in animalGroupsDict { print("Many \(animals) form a \(animalGroup).") }
Dictionary initialization
var groupsDict = [String:String]() var animalGroupsDict = ["whales":"pod", "geese":"flock", "lions":"pride"] var averageLifeSpanDic = [String:Range<Int>]() var lifeSpanDic = ["African Grey Parrot":50...70, "Tiger Salamander":12...15, "Bottlemose Dolphin":20...30]
Dictionary operation
animalGroupsDict["crows"] = "murder" animalGroupsDict["monkey"] = "troop" animalGroupDict.count println(animalGroupDict) animalGroupDict["crows"] = nil animalGroupDict animalGroupsDict["monkeys"] = "barrel" var group = animalGroupsDict.updateValue["gaggle", forKey: "geese"] group.dynamicType animalGroupsDict.updateValue("crash", forKey: "rhioceros") println(animalGroupsDict) if let groupOfWhales = animalGroupsDict["whales"]{ println("We saw a \(groupOfWhales) of whales from the boat.") } else { println("No value found for that key.") }
Set, Array, Dictionary
import UIKit import Foundation var numbers = Array<Double>() var moreNumbers = [Double]() moreNumbers = [85.0, 90.0, 95.0] let differentNumbers = [97.5, 98.5, 99.0] differentNumbers = moreNumbers + differentNumbers var circuit = [livingRoomsSwitch, kitchenSwitch, bathroomSwitch] var roadTripMusic = ["Neil Young", "Kendrick Lamar", "Flo Rida", "Nirvana"] roadTripMusic.append("Rae Sremmurd") roadTripMusic.insert("Dej Loaf", atIndex: 2) roadTripMusic.removeIndex(3) roadTripMusic.insert("Keith Urban", atIndex: 3) roadTripMusic.count let musician = roadTripMusic[2]
Int, String, UIButton, AnyObject
declare -var x:Int!
unwrap -x!
let w = Int("123") w * 2 class BetterViewController: UIViewController { //var myButton: UIButton }
import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { var button:UIButton! override func viewDidLoad(){ super.viewDidLoad() var title = button.titleForState(UIControlState.Normal) } }
import UIKit class Beverage { var category:String init (category: String){ self.category = category } } class HotDrink: Beverage { var pairing:String init(category: String, pairing: String){ self.pairing = pairing super.init(category: category) } } class ColdDrink: Beverage { var vessel:String init (category: String, vessel: String){ self.vessel = vessel super.init(category: category) } }
import UIKit var x: Int x = nil var c: UIColor c = UIColor.redColor() c = nil
The method, .toInt(), is deprecated in the String struct. We now use the initializer method, Int(_: String), from the Int struct.
var y: Int var s1: String var s2: String s1 = "123" s2 = "ABC" y = Int(s1) y = Int(s2) class ViewController: UIViewController { var button: UIButton }
import UIKit let encrouragement = "You can do it!" var personalizedEncouragement = "You can do it, Lauren!" personalizedEncouragement = personalizedEncouragement.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("Lauren", withString:"Cameron") let birthYear = 2008 var currentYear == 2017 var age = currentYear - birthYear let buildingCapacity = 300 var attendance = 220 attendance += 2 var goat = UIImage(named:"Chinese-New-Year-3.jpg")! let yearsOfTheGoat = [1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015] let yearsOfTheSheep = [1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015] yearsOfGoat.append(2027)
import UIKit import Foundation var funWithStrings = UIImage(named:"kittenWithOrangeString.jpg"): let myFirstString = "no " let mySecondString = "no problems" let theTruth = myFirstString + ", " + mySecondString var doggyDiet = "Lulu eats 25lbs of dog food per month" var dogName = "Ferris" var ferrisPic = UIImage(named:"SpringerdoodleFerris.jpg")
var lbsPerDay = 0.75 var daysPerMonth:Double = 30.0 doggyDiet = "\(dogName) eats \(lbsPerDay * daysPerMonth) of dog food per month" var frankiePic = UIImage(named:"frankie.jpeg")! lbsPerDay = 0.25 dogName = "Lil Frankie" doggyDiet = "\(dogName) eats \(lbsPerDay * daysPerMonth) of dog food per month"
access an array of characters
var password = "Meet me in St. Louis" for character in password.characters { if character == "e" { print("found an e!") } else { } }
if hungry && !vegetarian { println("Let's eat steak!") } else if hungry && vegetarian { println("How about pumpkin curry?") } else { println("nevermind") }
var thereIsPie = true if hungry || thereIsPie { println("Let's eat!") } else { println("Let's wait.") }
Ternary conditional
if question { answer1 } else { answer2 } hugry ? println("Let's eat!") : println("Let's wait.") hugry || thereIsPie ? println("Let's eat!") : println("Let's wait.")