Quantum Mechanics
Thermal Noise
Key proceed mouse move
Peseudo-Random Number Generator
counter 0, 1, 2 -> Encrypt
Pool of Randomness seed-> key
Storing a file securely
Electronic Codebook Mode
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随机应变 ABCD: Always Be Coding and … : хороший
Quantum Mechanics
Thermal Noise
Key proceed mouse move
Peseudo-Random Number Generator
counter 0, 1, 2 -> Encrypt
Pool of Randomness seed-> key
Storing a file securely
Electronic Codebook Mode
def generate_sequence(f, n): return map(f, range(n)) def generate_fake_random(n): repetition = 0 previous = None res = [] for i in range(n): x = random.choice([0, 1]) if x == previous: repetition += 1 if repetition > 2: x = (x + 1) % 2 repetition = 1 previous = x else: previous = x repetition = 1 res.append(x) return res length = 88 print display_bits(generate_sequence(lambda n: 0 if n % 3 == 0 else 1, length))
s i random if K(s) = |s| + c
BITS = ('0', '1') ASCII_BITS = 7 def display_bits(b): """converts list of {0, 1}* to string""" return ''.join([BITS[e] for e in b]) def seq_to_bits(seq): return [0 if b == '0' else 1 for b in seq] def pad_bits(bits, pad): """pads seq with leading 0s up to length pad""" assert len(bits) <= pad return [0] * (pad - len(bits)) + bits def convert_to_bits(n): """converts an integer 'n' to bit array""" result = [] if n == 0: return [0] while n > 0: result = [(n % 2)] + result n = n / 2 return result def string_to_bits(s): def chr_to_bit(c): return pad_bits(convert_to_bits(ord(c)), ASCII_BITS) return [b for group in map(chr_to_bit, s) for b in group] def bits_to_char(b): assert len(b) == ASCII_BITS value = 0 for e in b: value = (value * 2) + e return chr(value) def list_to_string(p): return ''.join(p) def bits_to_string(b): return ''.join([bits_to_char(b[i:i + ASCII_BITS]) for i in range(0, len(b), ASCII_BITS)])
Machine generates key sequence based on its configuration
key would not repeat for 10^19 letters
Event: subset of outcomes from a probability space
Head = { H }
Valid = { H, T }
P(A) = ΣweA P(w)
1 – P(E) = P(Valid)
Complementary Event Prbability
VA: P(a) + p(A) = 1
Conditional probability
P(B|A) = P(Aub)/ p(A)
Perfect Cipher
the ciphertext provides an attacker with no additional information about the plaintext.
m -> enc -> c
m e M
m* e M
Eki(mi) = c
P(m=m*).P(k=k*) = 1/k
P(Ek(m)= c) = 1/|k|
P(m=m* Ek(m)=c) = P(m = m*)/|k|
alice Ek(m)=c active attacker
Impratical |k| = |m|
Shamon’s Theorem: if a cipher is perfect, it must be impractical
Perfect cipher: P(m=m*|Ek(m)=c) = P(m=m*)
Ek(m) = c0 c1 … Cn-1
m = ‘CS’ = 1010011 1000011
k = 11001000100110
c = 01101111100101
Proving Security
here is a mathematical proof, accepted by experts, that shows the cipher is secure.
Ω:set of all possible outcomes
probability space
Ω = {h, t}
uniform distribution each outcome is equally likely
p: outcome -> [0, 1]
p(h) = 1/2 p(t) = 1/2
Ω = {H, T, E}
p(h) = 0.49999
p(t) = 0.49999
ΣweΩ p(w) = 1
plaintext -> encryption -> ciphertext -> insecure channel -> decryptron
Kerck hoff’s Principle CIS
meM ceC keK
E:MxK -> c D:c*k -> M
correctness property: Vm;k: Dk(Ek(m))
Security property:
Ideal: ciphertext reveals nothing about key or message
def convert_to_bits(n, pad): result = [] while n > 0: if n % 2 == 0: result = [0] + result else: result = [1] + result n = n / 2 while len(result) < pad: result = [0] + result return result
crypto -> secret
graphy -> writing
symmetric cryptography and applications
asymmetric cryptography and applications
m -> enc(<-k) -> ciphertext
timing side-channel
__global__ void Hello(){ printf("Hello"); } void main(){ Hello<<<1,1>>>(); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); printf("World"); }
$define CUB_STDERR #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <cub/cub.cuh> using namespace cub; bool g_verbose = false; int g_iterations = 100; // --------- // Kernels // --------- template < int BLOCK_THREADS, int ITEMS_PER_THREAD> __global__ void BlockPrefixSumKernel( int *d_in, int *d_out, clock_t *d_elapsed) { typedef BlockScan<int, BLOCK_THREADS > BlockScanT; __shared__ typename BlockScanT::SmemStorage smem_storage; int data[ITEMS_PER_THREAD]; BlockLoadVectorized(d_in, data); clock_t start = clock(); int aggregate; BlockScanT::ExclusiveSum(smem_storage, data, data, aggregate); clock_t stop = clock(); BlockStoreVectorized(d_out, data); if(threadIdx.x == 0) { *d_elapsed = (start > stop)? start - stop : stop - start; d_out[BLOCK_THREADS * ITEMS_PER_THREAD] = aggregate; } } int Initialize( int *h_in, int *h_reference, int num_elements) { int inclusive = 0; for (int i = 0; i< num_elements; ++i) { h_in[i] = i % 17; h_reference[i] = inclusive; inclusive += h_in[i]; } return inclusive; } template < int BLOCK_THREADS, int ITEMS_PER_THREAD> void Test() { const int TILE_SIZE = BLOCJ_THREAD * ITEMS_PER_THREAD; int *h_in = new int[TILE_SIZE]; int *h_reference = new int[TILE_SIZE]; int *h_gpu = new int[TILE_SIZE + 1]; int h_aggregate = Initialize(h_in, h_reference, TILE_SIZE); int *d_in = NULL; int *d_out = NULL; clock_t *d_elapsed = NULL; cudaMalloc((void**)&d_in, sizeof(int)* TILE_SIZE); cudaMalloc((void**)&d_out, sizeof(int) * (TILE_SIZE + 1)); cudaMalloc((void**)&d_elapsed, sizeof(clock_t)); if (g_verbose) { printf("Input data: "); for (int i = 0; i < TILE_SIZE; i++) printf("%d, ", h_in[i]); printf("\n\n"); } cudaMemcpy(d_in, h_in, sizeof(int) * TILE_SIZE, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); printf("BlockScan %d items (%d threads, %d items per thread):", TILE_SIZE, BLOCK_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD); clock_t elapsed_scan_clocks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_iterations; ++i) { BlockPrefixSumKernel<BLOCK_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD><<<1, BLOCK_THREADS>>>( d_in, d_otu, d_elapsed); clock_t scan_clocks; cudaMemcpy(h_gpu, d_out, sizeof(int) * (TILE_SIZE + 1), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaMemcpy(&scan_clocks, d_elapsed, sizeof(clock_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); elapsed_scan_clocks += scan_clocks; } bool correct = true; for (int i = 0; i < TILE_SIZE; i++) { if (h_gpu[i] != h_reference[i]) { printf("Incorrect result @ offset %d (%d != %d)\n", i, h_gpu[i], h_reference[i]); correct = false; break; } } if (h_gpu[TILE_SIZE] != h_aggregate) { printf("Incorrect aggregate (%d != %d)\n", h_gpu[TILE_SIZE], h_aggregate); correct = false; } if (correct) printf("Correct!\n"); if (g_verbose) { printf("GPu output(reference output): "); for (int i = 0; i < TILE_SIZE; i++) printf("%d (%d), ", h_gpu[i], h_reference[i]); printf("\n"); printf("GPU aggregate (reference aggregate)", h_gpu[TILE_SIZE], h_aggregate); printf("\n\n"); } printf("Average clock per 32-bit int scanned: %.3f\n\n", float(elapsed_scan_clocks) / TILE_SIZE / g_iterations); if (h_in) delete[] h_in; if (h_reference) delete[] h_reference; if (h_gpu) delete[] h_gpu; if (d_in) cudaFree(d_in); if (d_out) cudaFree(d_out); if (d_elapsed) cudaFree(d_elapsed); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { cudaDeviceProp props; cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, 0); printf("Using device %s\n", props.name); Test<1024, 1>(); Test<512, 2>(); Test<256, 4>(); Test<128, 8>(); Test<64, 16>(); Test<32, 32>(); Test<16, 64>(); return 0; }