
d = {192:105, 17:56, 200:119, 1:193, 42:99}
prime = 223
for x, y in d.items():
    a = (x**3 + 7)%prime
    b = (y**2)%prime
    if a == b:
        print('{}, {} is on the curve'.format(x, y))
        print('sorry {}, {} is not on the curve'.format(x, y))

$ python3 test.py
192, 105 is on the curve
17, 56 is on the curve
sorry 200, 119 is not on the curve
1, 193 is on the curve
sorry 42, 99 is not on the curve


from ecc import FieldElement, Point

a = FieldElement(num=0, prime=223)
b = FieldElement(num=7, prime=223)
x = FieldElement(num=192, prime=223)
y = FieldElement(num=105, prime=223)
p1 = Point(x, y, a, b)