Traverse Nodes in JSON

traversal path for the requested pieces of info from the JSON response for an instagram API query

Number of likes for an image:
Root->JSONObject with key “data”->JSONObject with key “likes”->get integer value for the key “count”
Image filter selected for the image:
Root->JSONObject with key “data”-> get String value for the key “filter”
Website URL for the thumbnail version of the image:
Root->JSONObject with key “data”->JSONObject with key “images”-> JSONObject with the “thumbnail”->get String value for the key “url”
Username of the first user in the image:
Root->JSONObject with key “data”->JSONArray with key “tags”->Look at first element in the array

Parsing json in android

json format

Magnitude, Location, Time, Website URL

long timeInMilliseconds = 14512431222OL;
Date dateObject = new Date(timeInMilliseconds);

SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM DD, yyyy");
String dateToDisplay =  dateFormatter.format(dateObject);

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;