Telling a story

def story():
	r = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
	for s in states:
		w, d = max_wins(s), max_diffs(s)
		if w != d:
			_, _, _, pending = s
			i = 0 if (w == 'roll') else 1
			r[pending][i] += 1
	for (delta, (wrolls, drolls)) in sorted(r.items()):
		print '%4d: %3d %3d' % (delta, wrolls, drolls)

def row_plays(hand, row):
results = set()
for (i, sq) in enumerate(row[1:-1], 1):
if isinstance(sq, anchor):
pre, maxsize = legal_prefix(i, row)
if pre:
start = i – len(pre)
add_suffixes(hand, pre, start, row, results, anchored=False)
for pre in find_prefixes(hand):
if len(pre) <= maxise: start = i - len(pre) add_suffixes(removed(hand, pre), pre, start, row, results, anchored=false) return results def legal_prefix(i, row): [/python] [python] def add_suffixes(hand, pre, start, row, results, anchored=True): i = start + len(pre) if pre in WORDS and anchored and not is_letter(row[i]): results.add((start, pre)) if pre in PREFIXES: sq = row[i] if is_letter(sq): add_suffixes(hand, pre+sq, start, row, results) [/python]