Scrypt proof of workのScriptとは?

Scrypt (RFC 7914) is a strong cryptographic key-derivation function (KDF). It is memory-intensive, designed to prevent GPU, ASIC and FPGA attacks (highly efficient password cracking hardware).

key = Scrypt(password, salt, N, r, p, derived-key-len)

### Script Parameters
N – iterations count (affects memory and CPU usage), e.g. 16384 or 2048
r – block size (affects memory and CPU usage), e.g. 8
p – parallelism factor (threads to run in parallel – affects the memory, CPU usage), usually 1
password– the input password (8-10 chars minimal length is recommended)
salt – securely-generated random bytes (64 bits minimum, 128 bits recommended)
derived-key-length – how many bytes to generate as output, e.g. 32 bytes (256 bits)

The memory in Scrypt is accessed in strongly dependent order at each step, so the memory access speed is the algorithm’s bottleneck. The memory required to compute Scrypt key derivation is calculated as follows:

Memory required = 128 * N * r * p bytes

Choosing parameters depends on how much you want to wait and what level of security (password cracking resistance) do you want to achieve:

Script hash generator

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev-is-python3
$ pip3 install scrypt

import pyscript

salt = b'aa1f2d3f4d23ac44e9c5a6c3d8f9ee8c'
passwd = b'p@$Sw0rD~7'
key = pyscript.hash(passwd, salt, 2048, 8, 1, 32)
print("Derived key:", key.hex())